15.5.2007 | 19:10
Helsinki, 15.mai, kl. 21:00 /
Tha er eg kominn i samband aftur. I dag erum vid i Tuusula, sem er litill baer rett utan vid Helsinki. Sidustu nott vorum vid i mid Finnlandi a pinulitilli sveitakra. Vid vorum einu gestirnir a stadnum og tungumalavandamal voru svolitil. Thau skildu okkur ekki og vid ekki thau. En folkid var indaelt og gott. Thegar vid komum inn vorum vid kaldir og blautir og svangir. Fruin, sem var svolitid ömmuleg, syndi okkur herbergid og var thad fint. Thar inni voru 3 rum og vel rumt um okkur. Allt var mjög gamaldags og fint og voru hekladir dukar a bordum. Allar hillur, allar skuffur og undir öllum rumum var fullt af blödum og timaritum. Tharna matti greinilega ekki henda neinu og fundum vid blöd tharna fra 1990 og uppur. Meira ad segja fundum vid tharna Danfoss vörulista fra 1995. Og svona, var thetta i öllu husinu, allstadar voru blod. Eftir ad vid höfdum komid okkur fyrir, forum vid fram til ad athuga hvort eitthvad vaeri til ad borda. Thad var nanast ekkert til, en husbondinn kom tho strax med bjor handa okkur, thad vantadi tho ekki. Og skömmu sidar birtist fruin og tha buin ad smyrja 4 rugbraudsneidar med tomat og kjötaleggi og baud okkur. Vid thadum thad ad sjalfsögdu enda sarsvangir. Sidar var lagst til hvilu og lagt af stad snemma i morgun. Fyrir thessa gistingu borgudum vid 50 evrur. Thegar lagt var af stad i morgun voru thrumur og eldingar og thvi var regnagallinn dreginn fram eins og oft adur. Ekki spennandi hjolavedur, en thad thydir ekki ad tala um thad. Stefnan var tekin a Helsinki. Vid komum til Helsinki um kl. 15:00 blautir og kaldir og vid forum strax nidur i russneska sendirad, sem var lokad, thvi vid thurfum ad lagfaera vegabrefsaritunina til Russlands. Vid gerdum mistok med dagsetningu og timinn sem vid hofum i fyrrihlutanum af
Russlandi er heldur stuttur. Vid aetlum sem sagt ad reyna ad lengja thann tima um viku. Vonandi gengur thad, og vid verdum maettir thar kl. 09.00 i fyrramalid. Restin af deginum for i ad finna varahlutabud fyrir Yamahaholin, thvi okkur vantadi olisiu, oliu og thettingu fyrir oliurör sem virdist vera ad leka pinulitid hja Einari. Eftir ad hafa farid a marga stadi tha loks fundum vid thann retta og okkur til mikils lettis var allt til sem vid thurftum. Ad thvi loknu var farid ad leita ad gististad. Thad atti nu ad vera audvelt, en annad kom a daginn. Vid vildum ekki vera inni i midborginni, baedi vegna thess hversu dyrt thad er og ekki sist vegna thess ad thar er ekkert plass fyrir hjolin. A endanum duttum vid nidur a thetta hotel, Krapi Hotel, og er thad golfhotel og er mjög notalegt. Her getum vid lagt hjolunum a bakvid hus thannig ad thau eru i hvarfi. Thad er gaman ad koma til Finnlands og er folkid gott og vingjarnlegt. Thad er mjög misjafnt hvort folkid talar ensku eda ekki og tha er thad adallega unga folkid sem gerir thad. En thetta er agaetis aefing fyrir okkur thvi ekki lidur a longu thar til vid komum til landa thar sem vid skiljum ekki neitt, og enginn skilur okkur. Landid er fallegt en svolitid einsleitt, skogar og votn, og aftur skogar og votn. Nu er lidin rum vika fra thvi ad vid forum og ekki er laust vid ad madur finni vel ad madur er lagstur i heimsreisu. Skritin tilfinning, sma streita en um leid spennandi. Hver dagur er eins og nyr kafli i sogu, madur veit aldrei hvad bidur manns. En gott i bili. Kilometrateljarinn er kominn i 3684 km og telur hratt. Bless i bili. Bara minni a ad that eru komnar nyjar myndir i albumid, Myndir ur heimsreisu.
Today we are by Tuusula, which is a small town right outside Helsinki. Last night we were in mid-Finland at a tiny country saloon. We were the only guests there and we had quite a bit of language problems. The people there didnt understand us and we didnt understand them but everybody was still very nice. When we arrived there we were cold, wet, and hungry. The lady of the house, who was definitely some ones grandmother, showed us our room which was a good one. It had 3 beds and was very roomy. Everything was very old-fashioned but neat and every shelf and drawer was full of old and new magazines and it was obvious that nothing was thrown away. We even found magazines from 1990. This is how it was throughout the house, everywhere you could find magazines. After we had gotten comfortable, we left the room to try to find seomething to eat. Even though there wasnt a lot of food available there, the man of the house brought us some beer. Shortly after that the lady brought us 4 slices of brown bread with tomatoes and meat. After we finished eating we went to sleep to be able to wake up early the next morning. We had to pay 50 Euros for the stay there . When we started riding in the morning there was a thunderstorm so we immediately took out the rainwear again. It wasnt an exciting weather to ride in but Im not going to waste time complaining about that. We arrived, cold and wet, to Helsinki around 3 pm and went straight to the Russian embassy but it was closed. We made an error concerning the dates on our visas and therefore the time we are allowed in Russia is rather short so we need to get that fixed as soon as possible. Hopefully thatll work out but well just go there again at 9 am tomorrow and see what happens. The rest of the day was spent finding a spare part shop for the Yamaha bikes because we needed an oil, oil filter, and consolidation for a oil pipe, which seems to be leaking on Einars bike. We finally found it at got everything we needed. Then we started looking for a place to sleep which wasnt as easy as it seemed. We didnt want to stay down town because its expensive and there is no place to store our bikes there. We finally found a very nice hotel, Krapi Hotel, which is a very cosy golf hotel. Here we can put our bikes behind the house so nobody can see them. Its fun to visit Finland and the people here are very lovely. Some people here dont speak any English while some people do but the ones who do are most of the time young people. The experience here has been a good practice for us because it wont be long until we come to countries where we wont understand a word of what the people are saying and they wont understand us either. The country is beautiful here even though the landscape is pretty much the same all the time, forests and lakes, forests and lakes. It has been a little over a week now since we begun the trip at MotorMax and I can really sense all the feelings that follow this kind of a journey. Its stressful but exciting at the same time. Every day is like a new chapter in a book, you never know whats going to happen. But thats enough for now. The Kilometer counter says 3684 km and the number is growing quickly. I want to remind everyone that there are some new pictures in the album. Ttyl...
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.