4.6.2007 | 14:23
Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia
I morgun forum vid i russneska sendiradid til ad saekja um vegabrefsaritun inn i Russland aftur. Eftir tha hemsokn fengum vid ad vita ad vid thyrftum ad fa thad sem their kalla " invitation". Vid hofdum svo sem buist vid thvi, thannig ad vid forum a skrifstofuna hans Thors hja althjodadeild rauda krossins og fengum ad fara i tolvu thar. Thad er nefnilega haegt ad kaupa svona invitation a netinu. En a meda eg var ad vinna i thvi, hringdi Thor i kunningja sinn i russneska sendiradinu og var honum tha sagt ad their her i sendiradinu samthykktu ekki svoleidis invitation og vid thyrftum af thetta hja serstokum adila her i borginni. Thor var svo vinsamlegur ad fara med okkur thangad. En thegar thangad kom var buid ad flytja thessa thjonustu. Hvorki hann ne vid skildum stulkuna thegar hun reyndi ad utskyra hvar thetta vaeri og sem betur fer var bilstjorinn hans Thors med og var hann sottur. Vid fundum retta stadinn og eftir sma utskyringar og spjall og borgad 125 dollara hvor, ja, borgad i dollurum, sagdi stulkan okkur ad koma eftir kl. 14 a fimmtudag og saekja aritunina. Thetta er thvi komid i hofn, vid leggjum af stad hedan a fimmtudag og tokum stefnuna til nordur til Russlands. Eftir thetta for Thor a skrifstofuna. Viđ fórum svo ađ skođa ţekkta stađi viđa um borgina. Viđ keyrdum um og hogudum okkur eins og alvoru turistar ! Thetta var bara gaman og for svo restin af deginum bara i dundur og hvild. Umferdin her er eins og a vitleysingjaheimili og stundum er ekid a moti umferd og yfir a raudu og fleira i theim dur. Madur
bindur sig bara i bilbeltid og vonar thad besta ! Flautan er mikid notud og eg er a theirri skodun ad margir halda ad flautan raunverulega flytji bila til, thvi their haetta ekkert ad flauta, bara liggja a henni thangad til eitthvad gerist og trua thvi ad their hafi gert thad !! Otrulegir her. Vid finnum ad i okkur er uppsofnud threyta og er gott ad taka smahvild her. Vid hofum hjolad a hverjum degi fra thvi ad vid forum af stad ad heiman 8. Mai. Utan einn dag i bord i Norraenu thegar vid vorum i Faereyjum og gatum ekki tekid hjolin ut. Thannig ad gott er ad liggja bara fyrir og melta og innbyrda allt sem vid hofum upplifad sidustu daga. Enn nog i bili.
This morning we went to the Russian Embassy to seek Visa application to be able to visit Russia again. After that visit we were infomed that we needed to get what they call invitation. We had expected that so we went to Thors office with the Red cross and got permittance to use a computer there. It is like that, you can buy this invitation on the internet. But while I was working in this Thor called a friend in the russian embassy and then he was told that they in the embassy wouldnt agree this kind of invitation and we needed to seek this with a special person here in the city. Thor was so kind to take us there. But when we came there this service had been mooved. Neither did him or we understand the girl who was trying to explain were it had been mooved and we had to get Thors driver to get this straight. We found the right place and after a little explanation to us and chat we had to pay 125 $ each, yes in dollars and we could pick up this Visa next thursday 2 oclock. Good ! So we will go from here to north into Russia. After this Thor went to his office and went to look at famoust places in the city and I took pictures. We were a typical turist for a part of they day and this was very nice and for the rest of the day we did rest. The traffic here is crazy and sometimes they drive against the traffic and dont respect the red light etc. You can only tie you carbelt and hope for the best! The whistle are used rather much and it is my opinion that many here thinks the whistle will move the cars..because they whistle until something happens and it looks like they think they did it ! Rather funny here. We have found today that we are a little bit tired so it is good to have a little break here. We have been riding every day since 8th of may except the one day when we were on the ship to Norway. So it is nice to be able to rest and think about the past days. Until next time.
Sverrir minn..skilabođ frá Hollandi.
Dear Mr. Thorsteinsson, The papers are in the mail to me at this moment. As soon as I have received them I shall send them on to Japan and confirm it to you per e-mail.Hope all is well with both of you!
Best regards, Maria M. AlessieAssurantiekantoor AlessieEliotplaats 1743068 VL RotterdamThe Netherlands tel +31 10 4 555 946fax +31 10 4 555 948
Herdís (IP-tala skráđ) 5.6.2007 kl. 22:10
Ok, takk fyrir thetta.
Sverrir Ţorsteinsson, 5.6.2007 kl. 23:50
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.