18.6.2007 | 02:06
Khabarovsk, Russland.
Undanfarnir dagar hafa verid mjog serstakir. Long og strong baratta vid endalausan veg !!! Vegurinn fra Chita til Khabarovsk er ca 2000 km langur og af honum er malarvegur um 1600 km. Thessi vegur er yfirleitt slaemur og mjog of mjog vondur. Thad er skritinn tilfinning ad aka veg sem er svona langur. Madur hjolar dag eftir dag og alltaf eftir sama veginum ! Thetta er eins og ad aka yfir Sprengisand, nema bara 20 - 30 sinnum. Stundum tekur thetta a taugarnar og thegar rykid baetist ofan a thetta og hitinn lika, tha verdur thetta mjog erfitt. En nu erum semsagt komnir til Khabarovsk og bunir ad fara i langthrada sturtu og smahvild. Vid skruppum ut a lifid i gaerkvoldi og var thad gaman, ad undanskildu thvi ad eg var raendur veski og sima !!! Sem betur fer var ekkert i veskinu nema Visa kortid og svo bara eitthvad omerkilegt, thannig ad tjonid er litid. Buinn ad bidja um nytt kort og nytt simakort. Thetta verdur sent til sendirads Islands i Japan. En, thad er otrulega fult ad lata raena sig svona ! Audvitad reynir madur alltaf af passa sig, en thetta eru atvinnumenn og eg vard aldrei var vid tha. Tharna var mikid af folki og vid aberandi og margir ad koma og tala vid okkur og vid thvi kannski audvelt skotmark. Vid hofum nokkrum sinnum verid spurdir hvernig vid forum ad thvi ad ferdast um
svona stort land og geta ekki talad tungumalir. Ad sjalfsogdu vaeri betra ef madur gaeti talad, thvi tha vaeri haegt ad spjalla vid local folk og fraedast meira, en allt er thetta haegt. En thetta breytist thegar vid komum til Ameriku. Tha er haegt ad spjalla og thad tharf vist ekki ad draga neitt upp ur Amerikonum, theit nenna alveg ad tala ! En nuna erum vid ad fara til Vladivostok sem tekur okkur ca 3 daga og fer ferjan til Japans naesta sunnudag. Tha tekur vid enn einn kaflinn. Mjog spennandi.
The last couple of days have been quite special. Its been a hard battle with the endless roads. The road from Chita to Khabarovsk is around 2000 km and about 1600 km of that is gravel. Its a strange feeling to ride on roads that are this long. Youre riding for days but still youre on the same road. This can sometimes get on our nerves, especially when the dust is heavy an when its hot. But now were in Khabarovsk and have gotten our much so needed showers and a little rest. We went down town last night to relax a little and that was nice besides one unfortunate incident when I realized that someone had stolen my wallet and my cell phone!! Luckily there was nothing in the wallet except a Visa credit card and some other insignificant stuff, so the damage is not a lot. Ive already asked for a new credit card and a new cell phone card and it will be sent to the Icelandic embassy in Japan. Its just so frustrating to be robbed like that! Of course I try to be careful but these thiefs are professional and there was no way that I could notice this. It was really crowded there and we were notable so we might have been an easy target. Weve often been asked how weve been able to travel through this big country where nobody understands us. Of course it would be easier if everybody understood us but were always able to manage and make us understandable in some way. But this problem will be over when we get to the USA. But now were heading to Vladivostok but that will take about 3 days. The ferry will leave next Sunday to Japan but were really looking forward to get there. Ttyl - Sverrir
Látiđ ţessa skrattakolla bara kenna ykkur ađ......,já ekki orđ um ţađ meir.Góđir strákar og bíđ eftir nćstu ćvintýrum hjá ykkur.Bestu kveđjur
Halldór Jóhannsson (IP-tala skráđ) 18.6.2007 kl. 21:29
Innlitskveđja. Gangi ykkur vel.
Hlynur Jón Michelsen, 19.6.2007 kl. 03:09
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.