21.6.2007 | 05:28
Vladivostok, Russland, - dagur 45 !
Borgardagur II. Enn erum vid i borginni og i morgun byrjudum vid daginn a ad fa okkur godan morgunverd her a hotelinu. Skemmtilegt fyrir mig, ad their bjoda upp a 3 tegundir af ponnukokum i morgunamat !!! Ekki slaemt ! Og ad auki eru their med eggjabraud eins og mer thykja svo god. En i gaerkvoldi thegar vid vorum ad fara ad sofa og vonudumst nu eftir rolegri nott, tha heyrdi eg ad 2 - 3 rutur komu og stoppudu fyrir framan hotelid og ut komu 150 - 200 ungmenni, klaedd i sidkjola og finiri og thrommudu inn i veislusalinn og skommu sidar byrjadi tonlistin ad duna !! Frabaert ! Onnur partynott framundan og bara veltisvefn. En thetta er hluti af ferdinni og aevintyrinu og thvi sneri eg mer bara ut i horn og brosti og sofnadi skommu sidar. En semsagt eftir morgunmatinn forum i gongu og var markmidid ad finna verslun med uppthvottabursta og sapu til ad thrifa hjolin, og einnig aetludum vid ad koma vid a skrifstofu skipafelagsins til ganga ur skugga um ad vid myndum orugglega fa far med skipinu. Vid roltum goda stund og forum i nokkrar matvorubudir, en thar voru ekki seldar hreinlaetisvorur. A endanum sa eg litla bud med myndavelavorum og blomum og thess hattar, og eg veit ekki afhverju eg akvad ad fara tharna inn, enn viti menn ! - i einu horninu sat kona a bakvid glerbord og a bakvid hana var stor glerskapur og thar inni blostu vid tuskur, uppthvottalogur, burstar ofl. Otruleg stadsetning innan um allar hinar vorurnar. En svona er thetta og vid gengum ut gladir i bragdi, klarir i allt. Sidan gengum vid nidur ad hofn og heimsottum vinkonu okkar og thegar eg gekk inn leit hun adeins a okkur og helt svo afram ad vinna, eins og vid vaerum ekki til ! En eg nalgadist hana og eftir sma spjall og umraedur myktist hun og eg endanlega nadi henni thegar eg tok mynd af henni !! Tha leystust oll mal. Eg hef komist ad thvi ad Russar eru feimnir og lokadir eins og eg hef sagt adur, og vilja ekki lata taka myndir af ser i fyrstu, en thegar madur faer tha til ad samthykkja thad, tha eru their svo gladir ad their brosa i langan tima a eftir. Mjog skemmtilegt. Vid semsagt fengum loksins ad kaupa midana i skipid, thratt
fyrir ad vid faum ekki tollapappirana fyrr en a morgun og er eg anaegdur med thad. Vid forum orugglega a sunnudaginn. Sida gengum vid til baka a hotelid, klaeddum okkur i drullugallann og forum med hjolin a bakvid hotelid. Thar skiptum vid um oliu og oliusiu og sidan faerdum vid okkur til hlidar vid hotelid thar sem vid fundum vatnskrana og thvodum thar hjolin hatt og lagt. Mikill munur ad sja thau. Nu er klukkan rumlega fjogur og aetla eg og Einar ad fara i gongutur nidur ad strondinni og taka nokkrar myndir thvi vedrid hefur lagast og er nu solskin og fallegt vedur. Vid fengum hringingu fra Svianum sem vid hittum og var med bilada BMW hjolid, og var hann nykominn til Japans og var ad gefa okkur god rad vardandi pappira og annad. Vid vorum svosem bunir ad komast ad ollu saman sjalfir, fyrir utan thad, ad thegar vid komum til Japans, thurfum vid ad taka lest eda leigubil i adra borg, sem er um thad bil 2 tima i burtu. Thangad thurfum vid ad fara til thess ad lata samthykkja Carnet tollapappirana sem vid erum med. Thad er JAF - Japan Automobil Federation, sem tharf ad samthykkja thessa pappira adur en vid megum fara med hjolin fra bordi !! Thad mun thvi taka okkur heilan dag ad koma hjolunum fra bordi. En hvad um thad, svona er thetta bara. En gott i bili, farinn ut ad taka myndir.
So were still in the city but we started this day by having a great breakfast here at the hotel. Its a good thing for me, because they have 3 different kinds of pancakes!! Not bad! They also have egg bread which I like so much. But yesterday, when we were about to go to sleep, I heard 2 or 3 buses arriving in front of the hotel and out came around 150-200 young people. Soon after that the music started playing and there was a party almost until morning. But this is just a part of the experience and I just turned on the side with a smile on my face and fell a sleep soon after that. But after the breakfast Einar and I took a walk with the purpose of finding a store that sells wash up brushes and soap to clean our bikes with and we also were going to stop by the office again to make sure that we would definitely get a place on the ferry. We walked for a while and stopped by a few supermarkets but none of them sold hygiene products. Finally a saw a small store which sold camera products, flowers and other stuff. I dont know why I walked in there but I did and what do you know, in one of the corners they were selling exactly what we were looking for. It was a very strange position of these products around all the other products. But after that we walked down to the office and said hi to our friend there. When we walked in she looked at us and then she kept on working, like we didnt exist! But when we approached her and talked to her a little bit she got a little bit nicer but what made the most difference was when I took a picture of her. Then she got really happy and all problems didnt exist any more. Ive noticed that Russians are really shy and dont really want anyone to take pictures of them at first, but when you get them to agree they will smile for hours afterwards. But we got the tickets to the ferry even though we dont get some of the papers tomorrow so we are very happy with the way things are right now. We are definitely going on Sunday. After our visit at the office we walked back to the hotel, put our dirty clothes on and took the bikes to the back of the hotel where we cleaned the bikes. Its a little past four pm now and Einar and I are going to take a walk down to the beach to take some pictures because the weather is much better now, sunny and beautiful. We got a call from our Swedish friend whose BMW bike broke down. He had just reached Japan and gave us some tips that we can use when we get there. Among other things, he told us that we need to take a train or a cab to another city, about 2 hours away to get the Carnet tollpapers accepted. JAF Japan Automobil Federation are the ones who need to accept those papers even before we leave the ferry. Its probably going to take a whole day to get the bikes off the ferry! But anyway, this is just the way it is. But Im off to take some pictures, ttyl - Sverrir
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