28.6.2007 | 05:32
Tokyo, Japan
Loksins i Tokyo, Ótrulegt en satt eg er buinn ad runta um i midborg Tokyo a hjolinu ! Vid hjoludum þvert yfir Japan og tokum hraðbrautina þvi eg vil reyna ad nota timann sem best og leysa malin med flutninginn, og reyna sidan ad hjola eitthvad her. Anthony Hardie, Englendingur sem buid hefur her i 17 ar, hitti okkur og lanadi okkur ibud her i uthverfi Tokyo. Hann og felagar hans eru bunir ad bjoda okkur i skemmtilega hjolaferd um helgina og vona eg ad vid komumst med. Þeir hittast reglulega, utlendingar sem bua og vinna her og hjola mikid saman. Veðrið hefur verid mjog gott en mikid mistur yfir og i dag er 36 stiga hiti og rakt. Vid skildum hjolin eftir vid ibudina og tokum lestina inn i bæ, thad er svo erfitt ad hjola i borginni og i miklum hita. Vid forum tho i morgun og leitudum ad loftsiu i hjolin, thvi thaer eru vaegast sagt mjog slaemar. Thaer voru ekki til, en Einar og starfsmadur tharna skaru pappasiuna i sundur og settu olivaettan svamp i stadinn til ad leysa malin. Thad var mikil upplifun ad sja Tokyo Tower i gaer. Eg hreinlega vissi ekki ad their Japanar aettu sinn Eiffel turn. Their eiga turn sem er nakvaem eftirliking af Eiffelturninum ! Nema nokkrum metrum haerri. Mjog fallegt. Nu er eg i islenska sendiradinu i Japan og er buinn ad fa oll gognin sem eg let senda hingad. Simakort, kreditkort og tryggingapappirar. Gott mal. A eftir aetla eg ad reyna ad kaupa mer síma. En vona ad eg komist i tolvu fljotlega og blogga meira.
Were finally in Tokyo and Ive even cruised around in the city on the bike a little bit. We rode straight across Japan on the highway because we wanted to be on good time to be able to take care of all the things we need to. Anthony Hardie, The Englishman who has lived here for 17 years, met us and lent us an apartment here, in a suburb of Tokyo. He and his pals have asked us to join them on a little motorcycle trip next weekend and hopefully we will be able to do that. They get together regularly and they are all foreigners who live and work here in Japan. The weather has been good but sometimes foggy, today its 36°C and humid. We left the bikes by the apartment and took the train down town because its hard to drive in the city in this temperature. But we went to look for an air filter this morning because ours are not good. They didnt have it where we looked but Einar and a man who worked there cut the paper filter and put a sponge smothered in oil instead. It was great to experience Tokyo Tower yesterday. I didnt realize that Japan had its own Eiffel tower. They basically have a tower that is exactly like the Eiffel tower, just a few metres taller. But now Im in the Icelandic embassy in Japan and Ive got all the documents Ill send here. Phone cards, credit cards, insurance papers etc. Im going to attempt to buy a cell phone later today. Hopefully Ill get a hold of a computer soon to blog more. Ttyl - Sverrir
Gaman að sjá hvað þetta gengur allt vel og Tokyo he he hugsa sér þetta að hjóla frá Reykjavík til Tokyo ekkert smá annars alltaf gaman að fylgjast með ykkur bræðrum og gangi allt að óskum nú sem endranær.
Bið að heilsa öllum í tokyo sérstaklega ogga sjúga pung he he
Guðmundur (IP-tala skráð) 28.6.2007 kl. 18:41
Ja, thetta er nu ekkert venjulegt, og ad hjola um sveitirnar her er otrulegt, draumur motorhjolamannsins.
Sverrir Þorsteinsson, 2.7.2007 kl. 12:38
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.