22.7.2007 | 03:40
Santa Monica, California, USA
Kominn til Los Angeles, eda thar um bil. Eg er i Santa Monica sem er eiginlega samfast Los Angeles. Vid komum her i dag um 5 leytid i miklum hita. Hjoludum veg sem heitir California 58, sem liggur fra strondinni adeins inn i landid og er frabaer motorhjolavegur. Thad eru nanast bara motorhjol sem fara thennan veg thvi hann er throngur og hlykkjottur. Mjog skemmtilegur. En, nuna er eg semsagt buinn ad fara ad sja Moto GP, motorhjolin og thad er olysanleg reynsla. Ad sja thessi motorhjol theysast um brautina a orugglega 300 km hrada og liggja i beygjum eins og thau seu limd vid brautina og svo allur havadinn, !!!!!! Otruleg upplifun. Skemmtileg tilviljun ad vera tharna a thessum tima. Vid saum semsagt alla bestu motorhjolamenn heimsins i brautinni i gaer a aefingum. Eftir ad hafa eytt mestum parti dagsins a brautinni akvadum vid ad hjola adeins til sudurs og sja hvort vid fyndum ekki gistingu einhversstadar fljotlega. Thad endadi med thvi ad vid hjoludum ca 250 km og gistum a litlum stad sem heitir San Simeon, og er alveg vid strondina. Mjog fallegt. En thad sem kom mer mest a ovart, var hvad vegur nr. 1, sem liggur med strondinni er fallegur tharna fyrir sunnan Monterey. Eg er buin ad segja nokkrum sinnum hvar highway 101 er fallegur og skemmtilegur, en tharna var toppnum nad. Otrulega fallaegt. Snarbrattar hlidar og hlykkjottur vegur med sjoinn og sandinn a adra hondina og fallegar og snarbrattar hlidar og tre a hina hondina. Virkilega mikil upplifun. Eg er alltaf ad upplifa meira og meira, og eg er satt ad segja i vandraedum stundum med ad medtaka thetta allt. Madur er buinn ad sja svo margt og upplifa mikid, ad manni haettir til ad verda samdauna ollu. Stundum a kvoldin thegar eg er ad skrifa i dagbokina mina, stend eg mig ad thvi ad geta ekki skrifad neitt. Mer finnst eins og ekkert hafi gerst merkilegt og thvi ekkert ad skrifa um. En svo set eg hlutina i annad samhengi og tha fer ymislegt ad koma i ljos. Thad sem mer finnst ekkert merkilegt nuna, hefdi mer fundist otrulega merkilegt fyrir nokkrum manudum. Einnig kemur thetta fram thegar eg er ad tala vid folk a fornum vegi og er ad segja thvi hvad vid erum ad gera. Tha rennur stundum upp fyrir manni staerdin a thessu verkefni okkar. Thegar vid komum hingad i dag, forum vid og hittum Egil Egilsson kvikmyndatokumann, sem hefur buid her i 19 ar og tok hann vel a moti okkur. Hann er adalkvikmyndatokumadur fyrir CSI
Miami, thaettina her i sjonvarpinu. Hann er ad adstoda okkur og aetlar medal annars ad saekja pabba og Skula a flugvollinn a morgun. Motelid sem vid erum a er stadsett alveg vid strondina og finnst mer eins og eg se i biomynd herna. Madur hefur svo oft sed thetta umhverfi sem vid erum i nuna, i biomyndum. Skritid ad vera herna. A morgun og manudaginn, aetlum vid ad taka thvi rolega, thvi pabbi og Skuli fa ekki Harley hjolin sin fyrr en a thridudagsmorgun. Aetlum semsagt ad vera touristar i 2 daga. Reyndar tharf eg ad skipta um bremsuklossa ad aftan hja mer og einnig tharf eg ad skipta um oliu og loftsiu, thannig ad eg hef eitthvad til ad dunda mer yfir. En nuna er eg staddur inni i Apple bud og er ad profa eina Mac tolvuna og er ad blogga thetta thar. Fullt af folki her i kringum mig, og mikid af ungu svortu folki sem er ad spila rapptonlist a fullu her og reyni ad lata sem eg fili thessa tonlist i botn !!! En nog i bili. Meira a morgun.
I have arrived to Los Angeles, or almost. Im in Santa Monica but thats a part of LA. We arrived here at 5 pm today and it was really warm. We took a road called California 58, which goes along the beach and a little bit into the country and its a great road for bikers. There are almost only bikes that use this road because its very narrow and wavy, but its really fun. But now weve seen the MotoGP motorcycles and that was an increadable experience to see the motorcycles, the high speed and all the loud noises. Amazing! But after spending the biggest part of the day watching that, we decided to ride south and see if we coulnt find a motel. We ended up riding 250 km and stayed at a small place called San Simeon but its just by the beach and its very beautiful. But what surprised the most is what road nr.1, which goes along the beach here, is beautiful south of Monterey. Ive said that highway 101 is really beautiful a couple of times before but this experience was the top. Steep hills, wavy roads and beautiful trees everywhere. Im always getting more and more impressed by the surroundings here and frankly, Its sometimes hard to take it all in. Im saying this because Ive traveled a lot and seen many different things so I sometimes feel that, in a way, everything looks the same. I even sometimes find myself not able to write in my diery after a day because I dont feel like anything has happened. But when I put things in a different context I realize that its not true at all. What I dont find a big deal today I might have found extraordinary a few months back. I also realize this when I talk to people and tell them about what Im doing. But anyway, when we came here today, we met Egill Egilsson, a filmmaker who has lived here for 19 years, and he gave us a good welcome. He is the main cameraman for CSI Miami which is a very popular TV show. He is assisting us and is e.g. going to pick up dad and Skúli from the airport tomorrow. The motel where we are staying at is placed right by the beach and I feel like Im in a middle of a hollywood movie. Ive seen these surroundings so many times before in movies and its strange to actually be here. Tomorrow, on Monday, were just going to take it easy because our father, Dossi, and Skúli wont get their Harleys until Tuesday morning so were just going to be tourists for a couple of days. But we need to change the brake pads on my rear tire, and also we need to change the oil and the airfilters, so Ill have something to do for the next couple of days. Im now inside an Apple outlet trying out a Mac computer so thats how Im blogging today. Lots of people around me, especially young black people who are playing rap music very loudly. But I just sit here and pretend to love this kind of music! But thats enough for now. Ttyl - Sverrir
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