24.7.2007 | 03:11
Sunnudagur, Santa Monica, USA
Hér snyst ansi margt bara um kvikmyndir og sjonvarp. Her eru thusundir manna og kvenna ad reyna ad " meika thad " a hverjum degi og ber gotulifid thess merki, serstaklega a kvoldin. Thad er gongugata her rett vid hotelid okkar, 3 street promenade, og thar er mikid lif a hverju kvoldi. Listamenn med 20 metra millibili ad reyna ad koma ser a framfaeri eda verda uppgotvadir. En munurinn kannski her og annars stadar sem eg hef sed svona gotulistamenn, er ad standardinn her er rosalega har. Sumt af thessu folki er eru hreinraektadir listamenn og myndu soma ser vel nanast hvar sem er i heiminum, en thad vill lata uppgotva sig her. Ef thu meikar thad i Ameriku, tha ertu a graenni grein ! En adeins ad odru. I gaer for eg i sma hjolatur her upp i fjollin rett fyrir ofan Malibu, til ad skoda og sja fraegan stad " The Rock Store " Thetta er gomul bensinstod og general store, eda kaupfelagid eins og vid kollum thad, og er gamalt og fallegt hus. Tharna koma saman um helgar i kringum hadegid motorhjolamenn og syna sig og sja adra. Svo kaupir madur ser gamaldags orginal hamborgara og faer ser Coka Cola med. Tharna sa eg allskonar furdufugla og a allskonar hjolum og mikil upplifun ad hitta og spjalla vid thetta folk. Tharna hitti eg mann sem var a Harley Davidson skellinodru sem var pinulitil, en madurinn sem er yfir 2 metrar a haed kom hjolandi a thessu hjoli, og thad sem meira er, buinn ad hjola um oll Bandarikin a thessu hjoli. Hjolid er smidad arid 1967 og er hann buinn ad eiga thad alla tiđ. Eg a til imynd i hausnum af folki sem kallad er " hillbillys " og thessi agaeti madur var akkurat thessi typa. Langur og mjor, med mikid yfirvaraskegg og sitt gratt har i tagli, og svo var hann i koflottri skyrtu og gomlum gallabuxum ! Otrulega flottur karakter. En thad sem gerdi thessa ferd eftirminnilega hja mer var ad tharna hitti eg " vin " minn, Jay Leno i egin personu og spjalladi tharna adeins vid hann. Eins og flestir kannski vita, tha er Jay Leno mikill ahugamadur um bila og motorhjol, baedi gamalt og nytt. Hann a nokkur hundruđ bila og motorhjol sem er allt eru gamlir og / eda fagaetir gripir. Hann semsagt maetir tharna oft um helgar og spjallar vid hina dellukarlana. Skemmtileg tilviljun. Thetta var semsagt i gaer ( sunnudag ) og for eg tharna medan eg og Einar vorum ad bida eftir nyju ferdafelogum okkar sem voru vaentalegir seinna um daginn. Pabbi og Skuli lentu semsagt i LA um 3 leytid og vid hittum tha svo um kl. 17. Thad var gaman ad hitta tha og eru skemmtilegir timar framundan med theim felogum. Vid Einar kollum tha Harley braedur, thvi their maettu herna svona lika sallafinir og klaeddir alveg eins Harley gallabuxum og gallajokkum sem their keyptu i Boston og er aetlunin ad nota naestu vikur her i hitanum. Thetta eru serstakar buxur og jakkar, thvi thetta er klaett med Kevlar efni ad innan sem getur bjargad manni ef ohapp verdur. Restin af deginum for svo i thad ad spjalla saman og fara adeins yfir hlutina og sötra Bud og segja montsogur.
TV is a big thing here in America. Thousands of people trying to make it in the business every day, and the streets are filled with those kind of people, especially during the evenings. Theres a street right by our hotel called 3 street promenade where theres always a lot going on during the evenings. There are all kinds of artists there tempting to get discovered but the difference between the artists here and everywhere else is that the standard is on a much higher level here. Some of the people here are talented enough to make a good living everywhere else but they just want to be discovered here because if you make it in America youre good for life! But anyway, I went on a little trip up to the mountains yesterday to see a famous place called The Rock Store. Its an old gas station and a general store which are really beautiful buildings. Bikers often get together there on weekends to both show off and to see other bikers and their bikes. Then youll buy an old-fashioned burger and wash it down with a bottle of Coca Cola. I saw a lot of strange people there and it was an amazing experience to be there and get to talk to all the people there. I met a man there who had a tiny Harley Davidson but he was around 2 m tall and he had ridden on it all over America! The bike was made in 1967 and he has owned it ever since. This man fitted my idea of a typical Hillbilly, slim and tall, with thick beard and his gray hair in a pony tail. But what made this experience even more memorable was meeting my pal Jay Leno in person. But as most people know, Jay Leno is a big enthusiast of cars and motorcycles so thats why he sometimes goes there and talkes to all the other men who have the same interest in cars and motorcycles. So this was on Sunday and I was doing that while Einar and I were waiting for our father and Skúli who landed in LA around 3. We met them at 5 pm that day and it was really fun to see them. Einar and I call them the Harley brothers because they showed up in really nice Harley jackets which they bought in Boston and intend to use for the rest of the trip. The rest of the day was spent in discussions about various things while drinking a Bud.
Frábćrt ferđalag hjá ykkur brćđrum. Ekki ónýtt ađ heilsa upp á Jay Leno og CSI liđiđ. Biđ kćrlega ađ heilsa Harley brćđrunum
en ég hitti einmitt á Skúla ţegar ég skrapp í sumarfrí til Íslands í júní.
Baráttukveđja frá Lettlandi,
Guđný Hansen (IP-tala skráđ) 24.7.2007 kl. 10:49
Gaman ađ hitta sjálfan grínkónginn..kemur á óvart ađ hann virđist vera jafn stór og ţú
Herdís (IP-tala skráđ) 24.7.2007 kl. 15:22
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.