24.7.2007 | 03:31
Manudagur, Santa Monica, USA
Ja, aevintyrid heldur afram. I morgun thegar eg vaknadi, for eg med tolvuna mina i vidgerd her rett hja, tvi ad i ljos kom ad einvher virus hafdi komist i tolvuna. En vel ad merkja, eg er ekki buinn ad vera med tolvu hingad til, en pabbi kom med gomlu fartolvuna mina hingad svo ad eg geti verid i betra bloggsambandi naestu vikur. Eg hef stundum sagt ad lifid se svo audvelt i Ameriku. Thad sem eg a vid er ad ef ad eitthvad vantar eda tharf ad finna eitthvad, tha er bara ad taka upp simann, eda kikja i simaskra eda fara a netid, tha er madur ekki nema nokkrar minutur ad finna thad sem madur leitar ad. Og thad stodst i thessu tilviki, eg fann gamla simaskra her i gaerkvoldi og viti menn, eftir nokkrar minutur var komin nidurstada og verkstaedi fundid sem lagadi tolvuna i dag. En, eftir ad hafa farid med tolvuna, hringdi eg i Egil " Eagle " Egilsson kunningja minn og hann baud okkur ad koma i heimsokn i studioid til sin. Thad gerdum vid og vorum komnir thangad um 11 leytid. Thar saum vid thegar verid var ad taka upp nokkur atridi i CSI, Miami og er otrulegt ad upplifa thetta og sja thennan gerviheim sem buinn er til. Eg hitti thar tvo af adalleikurum thattanna, thau Emily Procter og Jonathan Togo. Thad var gaman ad sja thessa leikara vera ad vinna og sja hversu mikid fagfolk thetta er. Tharna foru thau med somu rulluna aftur og aftur medan allt lidid i kringum thau voru ad stilla og taka upp atridid nokkrum sinnum og fra hinum ymsu sjonarhornum. En fyndnasta starfid tharna voru tveir starfsmenn sem gerdu ekkert annad en ad standa i sporum leikaranna allan timann sem taeknilidid var ad stilla ljos og fleira. Thetta folk er semsagt i fullri vinnu allt arid ad standa i sporum leikaranna a milli atrida. Mjog skritid. Egill er yfir allri kvikmyndatokunni og er med ca 20 manns undir ser sem ser um ad gera alla hluti. Thvilik upplifum. En tharna skodudum vid okkur um og saum alla leikmyndina sem notud er og fekk eg meira ad segja ad leggjast a likbordid thar sem likin eru krufin i thattunum !! En leikararnir voru thaegilegir og skemmtilegir og Jonathan Togo, sem bjo medal annars i New York i nokkur ar, gaf okkur upp nokkra af bestu pizzustodum og borum i New York. En thad er merkilegt, ad flest allir leikarar sem madur ser " life " eru svo lagaxnir. Thessir tveir leikarar eru mjog lagvaxnir og enn og aftur fannst mer eg vera risi. En thetta var skemmtileg reynsla og eftirminnileg. I kvold kom svo Egill til okkar a Ironhorse chopper hjolinu sinu og baud hann okkur ollum ut ad borda. Mjog höfdinglegt af honum. Vid þökkum honum kærlega fyrir alla aðstoðina og skemmtilegheitin her.
Eg setti nokkrar nyjar myndir i myndaalbumid. Endilega ad kikja.
So the adventure continues. I took my computer to a repair workshop this morning because I found out that theres some kind of virus in my computer. I havent had a computer uptil this point but dad brought my computer with him so it could be easier to blog for the next weeks. Ive said before that its easy to live in America and what I mean by that is when something is needed all you have to do is get to the next phone book or get on the internet and find what you need. And thats exactly what I did concerning my computer. I looked up the next phonebook and found a repair workshop really close. After leaving the computer at the workshop I called Egill Eagle Egilsson and he offered us to come visit the CSI studio. We were there around 11 and saw when they were taking some scenes for the show and it was unbelievable to see the fake world that they create. I met two of the stars of the show there, Emily Prochter and Jonathan Togo. It was really fun to see them do their work and see how professional they are. They went over their lines over and over again while other people were setting up everyhing else. But the funnies job someone had over there was simply standing where the actors were going to be in the scene so others could set the lighting, and other technical details, right. Really strange. Egill controls all the cameras and has around 20 people working for him. But we looked around there for a while and saw the whole studio and I even got to lay on the table where they analize the bodies. The actors were all really nice and fun to be around. Jonathan Togo, who lived in New York once, told us all about he best pizza places in the world and where we could find them. But its funny how actors can look smaller in real person but those two were not so tall and I felt like a giant again. But all of this was a great experience and a memorable one. Egill came to us earlier this evening on his Ironhorse chopper bike and took us out to dinner. Very generous of him and we want to thank him for all his help and everything. I also put some new pictures in the album. Ttyl - Sverrir
Gaman að fá að fylgjast með! Gangi ykkur vel!
María Björg Ágústsdóttir, 24.7.2007 kl. 21:30
Verðið þið ekki næstu stjörnur í CSI ?Góða skemmtun áfram.Kv
halldor johannsson (IP-tala skráð) 25.7.2007 kl. 21:11
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.