27.7.2007 | 18:37
Ridgecrest, California, USA
Eg og Einar erum enntha her i Ridgecrest ad bida eftir varahlutnum i motorhjolid hans Einars. Their attu ad koma i gaer, en komu ekki. En i morgun, og reyndar akkurat nuna thegar eg er ad skrifa thetta, er Einar og annar mecanic ad skipta um thessa ventla. Vid akvadum i gaer ad pabbi og Skuli skyldu halda afram og fara i gegnum Dauda dalinn og til Las Vegas i dag. Their logdu semsagt af stad i morgun kl. 06:00, til ad losna vid mestan hitann i Dauda dalnum og vonandi komast their heilir a hufi til Las Vegas i dag. Thessi uppakoma er til thess ad their fa extra upplifun her i Amerikunni og thurfa ad takast adeins a vid fleiri mal en annars. Thad er alltaf akvedid stress ad thurfa ad rata og finna stadi og finna sidan gistingu einhvers stadar i lok dags, i stad thess ad fylgja og elta bara einhverja adra og thurfa ekki ad hugsa neitt. Thad er thess vegna sem vid Einar hofum skipst a allan timann i okkar
ferd a ad vera i fararbroddi. Tha getur madur annan hvern dag verid heilalaus og bara notid thess ad hjola og horfa i kringum sig. Gott system. En vonandi gengur thetta upp hja okkur Einari i dag med hjolid og ad vid getum lagt af stad seinnipartinn og farid bara stystu leid til Las Vegas og nad kollunum thar. Kemur i ljos i dag. En thad er annad sem eg er ekki buinn ad nefna, ad thessi baer her, Ridgecrest, er ca 25000 manna baer og her snyst allt um herinn. Her allt i kring er mjog stor Army Base og thar a medal er hid fraega AREA 51 !! Eins og margir vita er mikil dulud i kringum thennan stad og eru margir sem telja ad thar seu geimskip og geimverur sem ameriski herinn hefur fundid og/eda nad. Tharna eru gerdar miklar tilraunir med flugvelar og allskyns tol sem herinn finnur upp a. Eg hef verid ad leita og kikja eftir geimverum her, og tho ad eg rekist a allskyns skritid og stundum mjog skritid folk her, the held eg nu ad thad seu nu bara " venjulegir " -Amerikanar ! Thetta er storskemmtilegt og gaman ad tala vid local buana her um Area 51. Eg hitti einn Kana her i morgun sem vinnur hersvaedinu, tho ekki a Area 51 svaedinu, og honum var mikid i mun ad sannfaera mig um ad thad vaeru ekki geimskip og geimverur tharna. Eins og eg vaeri ekki alveg viss um thad !!! En her er mikill hiti, kringum 40 gradur og thvi rosalega heitt her. Eg er ekki vanur ad vera i svona hita, og eins og eg sagdi vid Einar i gaer, ad uti vaeri vont vedur !! Venjuleg skilgreining okkar a vondu vedri er rok og rigning. En er ekki vont vedur thannig vedur ad thu vilt ekki fara ut !? Ef svo er tha er thetta vont vedur - glampandi sol og logn og mikill hiti. Oftast skilgreinum vid thetta sem gott vedur ! Gott i bili.
Einar and I are still here in Ridgecrest waiting for the spare parts we need for Einars bike. They were supposed to arrive yesterday but we did not get anything. But we have it now and Einar is fixing it as a write this with the help from another mechanic. We decided yesterday that our father and Skúli should keep on going through Death Valley and to Las Vegas today. They started at 6 am this morning to avoid the heat and hopefully theyll get to Las Vegas without any problems. They are now riding on their own and its always a little stressful to have to find your own way instead of just following somebody else so you dont have to think at all. Thats why Einar and I have been taking turns in leading the way during the trip. But well hopefully be able to fix the bike today and start going towards Las Vegas in the afternoon. But theres one thing I havent mentioned yet, but that is that Ridgecrest is a town of 25000 people and the army is a huge thing for the town. There are many army bases everywhere around the town, even the famous AREA 51! As most of you know, there is a lot of secrecy around that place and many people say that there are space ships and aliens there that the American army has captured. A lot of tests are made there for airplains and other equipment which the army uses. I have been keeping my eyes open for aliens while Im here but even though I sometimes meet some really strange people here Im pretty sure that there are no aliens here. These people are just normal Americans and maybe its just me who is strange. But its a lot of fun talking to the locals here about Area 51. I met an American this morning who works at the army base, even though its not Area 51. He really wanted to convince me that there were no aliens there, like I actually thoght so. But the temperature here is high and Im not used to be in this kind of heat. Our idea of a bad weather has changed a lot since weve been here. Its not when its raining and windy anymore, but when its so hot that you cant go outside! But thats enough for now. Ttyl - Sverrir
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