29.7.2007 | 02:24
Williams, Arizona, USA.
Tha erum vid komnir til Arizona, med sma vidkomu i Nevada i gaer. Thessi littli baer sem vid erum nuna i heitir Williams, og er i sjalfu ser ekki merkilegur, nema fyrir tha sok, thessi baer er eini baerinn sem eftir er i USA, thar sem hin fraegi vegur route 66, er adalgatan i baenum. Og vid adalgotuna eru gamlar verslanir, veitingahus og kurekabarir. Allt i anda gamla villta vestursins. Her ma sja karlmennina ganga um i kurekastigvelum og med flotta stora kurekahatta og stora silgju i beltinu ! Og thad sem meira er, thetta eru allt orginalar, t.e. svona hafa their verid alla aevi. Gaman ad upplifa thetta, thar sem eg nu svolitill kureki i mer og hef alltaf verid. Thad munadi littlu ad eg hefdi keypt mer thennan svakalega flotta ledurjakka med miklu kogri og flottan kurekahatt lika ! En thvi midur tha passadi jakkinn ekki alveg thegar a reyndi, og eg hef ekki plass fyrir kurekahatti, en eg svo sem nokkra hatta nu thegar ! Eg vona ad thad verdi alvoru kurekastemming a borunum i kvold og lifandi country tonlist spilud, thvi thad er ju min uppahaldstonlist. Synd ad thad skuli ekki verid spilum meiri country tonlist a Islandi, og tha a eg vid alvoru country tonlist, ekki bara gamalt og gott med Dolly Parton og Kenny Rogers ! En ad ferd dagsins. I dag skodudum vid hina fraegu Hoover Dam og var thad skemmtilegt. Otrulegt mannvirki midad vid ad thad hafi verid reist a adeins 4 arum, 1931 -
1935. Trulegast hefur thessi stifla verid reist til ad bua til rafmagn til ad knyja Las Vegas og oll ljosin thar. Eftir ad hafa skodad stifluna og tekid nokkrar myndir forum vid ut af highway og inn a gomlu orginal route 66 leidina. Thad var rosalega gaman og leidin la i gegnum fjoll og slettur og sumstadar ekkert nema eydimork. Thad var rosalega heitt fyrripartinn, en sem betur fer tha dro fyrir solu seinnipartinn og vid kolnadi adeins. Harley braedur eru alveg frabaerir og eru thad forrettindi ad fa ad ferdast med thessum reyndu ferda og aevintyramonnum. Skemmtilegar sogur og upplifanir fra gomlu godu dogunum a Islandi, thar sem their brutust um halendi Islands a frumstaedum jeppum og odrum skemmtilegum taekjum, og er unun ad hlusta a tha. Vid forum ekki alla leid til Grand Canyon i dag, heldur forum thangad a morgun. Vorum ad klara ad borda, risa nauta rif, grillud uti a risastoru kolagrilli og godur bjor med, verdur ekki betra. En nog i bili.
Here we are now in Arizona after a little stop in Nevada yesteday. In a little town, Williams and is not that remarkable except for that reason that this is the only town in USA were route 66 is the mainroad through the town. And on this mainroad are old stores, restaurants and coxboysaloons. All in the inspirtation of the wild west. Here you can see the men walk in cowboyboots with great cowboyhats and having a big buckle in their belt ! And they are orginal and have been like this all their lives. Very nice to see and experience this as I have always been a little cowboy myself. I came close today to buy me an incrediable cool leatherjacket with fringe and a nice cowboyhat too! But sorry for me, the jacket didnt fit and I have already to many hats at home! I am hoping that there will be a real countrymood and music in the bars tonight because that is my favourite music. Bad that we in Iceland cannot hear more countrymusic in the radio and then I mean really new and good musicians, not oldies like Kenny and Dolly. But today we went to see the famous Hower Dam and that was great. What a great building and unbeliable that it took only 4 years to build it, from 1931-1935. Likley this dam was builded to create electricity for Las Vegas and all the lights there. After looking at the dam and taking photos we rode into a highway and therefrom into the old orginalroute 66. It was really nice and we rode through mountains and plains and somewhere it was only the desert. It was extremely hot in the early day but fortunally for us the sun disapperad later in the day and it got cooler. Harleybrother are so great and it is privilege for us to ride with those experienced travel and adventurmen. Many great stories from the old days in Iceland were they travelled in the higlands on primitive jeeps and other equipments and it is really nice to hear all this. We didnt ride all the way to Grand Canyon today but instead we will go there tomorrow. We just ended having a nice dinner with huge spareribs grilled outside on a huge coalgrill and a nice bear with it. Cannot expect things to be better. But enough for now.
Ţú verđur ađ láta Hrafnhildi H gera eitthvađ í ţví međ Country.Toppurinn Grill Country Bjór,og forréttindin ađ hafa Harley brćđur.Verđi ykkur ađ góđu.Kv
halldor johannsson (IP-tala skráđ) 29.7.2007 kl. 18:27
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.