Á leidarenda / The destination.

travellerEftir langt, threytt og thröngt flug og rútuferd, erum vid komin til Flachau í Austurríki.  Hótelid er gott og fallegt og stadsett alveg vid brekkuna.  Adeins 30 metrar í kláfinn.  Hér er lítill snjór og hefur ekki verid minni snjór í 130 ár !!  En vedurspáin segir ad thad eigi ad snjóa naestu daga.  Thetta er mjög skemmtilegt.   Haukur og Fanndís María eru rosalega spennt og geta ekki bedid med ad stíga á skídin á morgun.  Reyndar fer Haukur á bretti.  Vid Herdís munum snúast í kringum thau, og leyfa theim ad njóta sín.  Á leidinni hingad var ég ad skyggnast eftir mótorhjólum, en sá engin.  Thad er erfitt ad vita af nýja hjólinu heima og geta ekkert hjólad í thessari viku, og vita af Einari bródir vera ad hjóla heima.!!!!!   En gott i bili, kvedja fra Austurríki.

After a long,cramped and tiresome flight and busride, we've finally arrived to Flachau, Austria. The hotel looks good and has a great location right by the slopes. Only 30 meters to the gondola. It's not a lot of snow here and, in fact, it hasn't even been so little snow here for more than 130 years!! But the weather forecast is good and it is supposed to snow for the next days. This is a lot of fun. Haukur and Fanndís María are very excited and can't wait to hit the slopes tomorrow. Fanndís María is going to do her best skiing but Haukur is going to snowboard. Herdís and I are going to centre on Haukur and Fanndís and make sure that they will enjoy the vacation. On our way here I was looking for some bikes, but I didn't see any. It's hard to think about my bike standing in the garage at home and not be able to ride it for the whole week. Iti's even harder to think about Einar who is riding it as much as he likes! But I'll leave it at there, regards from Austria.

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