Williams, Arizona, USA.

route 66Tha erum vid komnir til Arizona, med sma vidkomu i Nevada i gaer.  Thessi littli baer sem vid erum nuna i heitir Williams, og er i sjalfu ser ekki merkilegur, nema fyrir tha sok, thessi baer er eini baerinn sem eftir er i USA, thar sem hin fraegi vegur route 66, er adalgatan i baenum.  Og vid adalgotuna eru gamlar verslanir, veitingahus og kurekabarir.  Allt i anda gamla villta vestursins.  Her ma sja karlmennina ganga um i kurekastigvelum og med flotta stora kurekahatta og stora silgju i beltinu !  Og thad sem meira er, thetta eru allt orginalar, t.e. svona hafa their verid alla aevi.  Gaman  ad upplifa thetta, thar sem eg nu svolitill kureki i mer og hef alltaf verid.  Thad munadi littlu ad eg hefdi keypt mer thennan svakalega flotta ledurjakka med miklu kogri og flottan kurekahatt lika !  En thvi midur tha passadi jakkinn ekki alveg thegar a reyndi, og eg hef ekki plass fyrir kurekahatti, en eg svo sem nokkra hatta nu thegar !  Eg vona ad thad verdi alvoru kurekastemming a borunum i kvold og lifandi country tonlist spilud, thvi thad er ju min uppahaldstonlist.  Synd ad thad skuli ekki verid spilum meiri country tonlist a Islandi, og tha a eg vid alvoru country tonlist, ekki bara gamalt og gott med Dolly Parton og Kenny Rogers !  En ad ferd dagsins.  I dag skodudum vid hina fraegu Hoover Dam og var thad skemmtilegt.  Otrulegt mannvirki midad vid ad thad hafi verid reist a adeins 4 arum, 1931 -cowboy 1935.  Trulegast hefur thessi stifla verid reist til ad bua til rafmagn til ad knyja Las Vegas og oll ljosin thar.  Eftir ad hafa skodad stifluna og tekid nokkrar myndir forum vid ut af highway og inn a gomlu orginal route 66 leidina.  Thad var rosalega gaman og leidin la i gegnum fjoll og slettur og sumstadar ekkert nema eydimork.  Thad var rosalega heitt fyrripartinn, en sem betur fer tha dro fyrir solu seinnipartinn og vid kolnadi adeins.  Harley braedur eru alveg frabaerir og eru thad forrettindi ad fa ad ferdast med thessum reyndu ferda og aevintyramonnum.  Skemmtilegar sogur og upplifanir fra gomlu godu dogunum a Islandi, thar sem their brutust um halendi Islands a frumstaedum jeppum og odrum skemmtilegum taekjum, og er unun ad hlusta a tha.  Vid forum ekki alla leid til Grand Canyon i dag, heldur forum thangad a morgun.  Vorum ad klara ad borda, risa nauta rif, grillud uti a risastoru kolagrilli og godur bjor med, verdur ekki betra.  En nog i bili. 

Here we are now in Arizona after a little stop in Nevada yesteday.  In a  little town, Williams and is not that remarkable except for that reason that this is the only town in USA were route 66 is the mainroad through the town.  And on this mainroad are old stores, restaurants and coxboysaloons.  All in the inspirtation of the wild west.  Here you can see the men walk in cowboyboots with great cowboyhats and having a big buckle in their belt !  And they are orginal and have been like this all their lives.  Very nice to see and experience this as I have always been a little cowboy myself.  I came close today to buy me an incrediable cool leatherjacket with fringe and a nice cowboyhat too!  But sorry for me, the jacket didnt fit and I have already to many hats at home!  I am hoping that there will be a real countrymood and music  in the bars tonight because that is my favourite music.  Bad that we in Iceland cannot hear more countrymusic in the radio and then I mean really new and good musicians, not oldies like Kenny and Dolly.  But today we went to see the famous Hower Dam and that was great.  What a great building and unbeliable that it took only 4 years to build it, from 1931-1935.  Likley this dam was builded to create electricity for Las Vegas and all the lights there.  After looking at the dam and taking photos we rode into a highway and therefrom into the old orginalroute 66.  It was really nice and we rode through mountains and plains and somewhere it was only the desert.  It was extremely hot in the early day but fortunally for us the sun disapperad later in the day and it got cooler.  Harleybrother are so great and it is privilege for us to ride with those experienced travel and adventurmen.   Many great stories from the old days in Iceland were they travelled in the higlands on primitive jeeps and other equipments and it is really nice to hear all this.  We didnt ride all the way to Grand Canyon today but instead we will go there tomorrow.  We just ended having a nice dinner with huge spareribs grilled outside on a huge coalgrill and a nice bear with it.  Cannot expect things to be better.  But enough for now.

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

300px-Paris-las_vegasEr ég í bíómynd ? Er ég kominn í aðra veröld ?  Er þetta raunverulegt ?  Þetta eru nokkrar af þeim spurningum sem upp komu þegar ég kom inn í Las Vegas í kvöld.  Ótrúleg borg, ótrúleg veröld.  Ég sagði frá því um daginn að sjónvarps og bíómyndaheimurinn væri mikill plat og gerviheimur.  Það má svo sannarlega segja líka um Las Vegas.  En það er mikilfenglegt og gaman að koma að borginni í myrkri eins og við gerðum í kvöld og sjá og upplifa öll þessi ljós, hótelbyggingar og allt sem þeim fylgir.  Franska hótelið til dæmis, þar er Sigurboginn og Eiffel turninn í allri sinni dýrð.  Fyrir utan annað hótel er rússíbani af stærstu gerð og svona mætti lengi telja.  Skemmtilegt.  En dagurinn í dag er búinn að vera spennandi og skemmtilegur og má segja að þessi dagur sé fyrsti alvöru ævintýradagurinn í vesturheimi.  Það sem ég á við, að eftir að við komum til Ameríku, þá hvarf ákveðin ævintýramennska og við urðum meira að venjulegum túristum sem fórum á milli staða á mótorhjólum.  En þar sem þessi bilun kom upp, og við búnir að bíða eftir varahlutum í 2 daga og þeir komu ekki, var ákveðið að pabbi og Skúli myndu fara af stað í morgun og fara í gegnum Dauða dalinn og svo til Las Vegas.  Við settum punkta í GPS tækið  hjá pabba og svo fóru þeir af stað í morgun kl 6.  Við Einar biðum hinsvegar eftir varahlutnum og um hádegið gátum við farið að skrúfa saman mótorhjólið.  Það var ein erfiðasta viðgerð sem ég hef tekið þátt í, því fyrir utan að hjólið var komið alveg í frumeindir, þá var það aðalega hitinn sem var erfiðastur.  Við vorum þarna úti að vinna DSC08974_editedvið hjólið i tæpa fjóra tíma í hita sem fór í 47 gráður !!!   Og það tekur ótrúlega mikið á.  Við þurftum að fara inn reglulega til þess að drekka og setjast niður, því ég var hreinlega að líða útaf stundum.  Hreinlega að falla í yfirlið af hita.  En við vorum ákveðnir í að klára þetta og um fimm leytið gátum við lagt af stað á tveimur góðum mótorhjólum.  Við höfðum frétt af þeim Harley bræðrum ( pabba og Skúla ) að þeir væru komnir á hótelið eftir erfiðan en skemmtilegan dag.  Þeir lentu meðal annars í því að hjólin þeirra voru hreinlega að stoppast út af hita.  Þau fóru að ganga illa og voru að hætta að ganga.  Og svo tóku þeir eina vitlausa beygju og urðu að vinna sig út úr því.  Skemmtileg og spennandi reynsla fyrir þá.  Á morgun ætlum við að skoða Hoover Dam, sem er fræg, stór og gömul stífla hér ca 50 km í burtu og svo þaðan förum til Grand Canyon.  Hlakka mikið til.  En nú er ég ótrúlega þreyttur eftir þennan dag og er farinn að sofa.

Am I in a movie ? Am I in another world ? Is this real ?  These are few of the questions which came into my head when I rode into Las Vegas tonight.  What a incredable city and world !  I was writing few days ago how this movie and televisionworld are much fake.  It could surley also be said regarding Las Vegas.  But it was magnificence to arrive to this city in the dark like we did tonight and experience all these lights and hotels and etc.  The french hotel for example which has the Victorycurve and the Eiffel tower in their glorius picture.  Infront of another hotel is a huge roller coaster and sights like these are here all over the city.  Very amusing.  This day today have been very excited and amusing and I could say that this is the first real adventure day here in the USA. What I mean is that after we came to the USA we have been more like a normal toruists which ride between places.  But because of this breakdown and we had to wait for 2 days after spareparts we decided that my dad and Skuli would ride to Las Vegas through the Dead Walley this morning.  We arranged the GPS my dad have and this morning around 6 oclock they rode away.  Me and Einar on the other side waited for the sparepart which came finally at lunch time so at that time we could start to work.  This is one of the most difficult repair I have taken part in.  Despite the bike in pieces the heat was killing me !  We were 4 hours working with the bike in 47 C. heat and that was very difficult and often we had to go inside to cool us off.  But we were determinded to finish this and around 5 oclock we were able to ride on.   We had heard from the Harleybrothers ( my dad and Skuli ) that they had registered them into a motel after amusing but difficult day.  They had a problems because of the heat, the motorcycles almost stopped working because of the heat.    And also they took one wrong turn and had to find out for them selves the solutions.  A good experience for them.  Tomorrow we intend to ride to look at the Hower Dam which is an famous, old and huge dam 50 km. away from here.  There from we want to go and see Grand Canyon which I look forward too.  But now I am exhausted after a difficult day and are going to get some sleep.

Ridgecrest, California, USA

Svalur !Eg og Einar erum enntha her i Ridgecrest ad bida eftir varahlutnum i motorhjolid hans Einars.  Their attu ad koma i gaer, en komu ekki.  En i morgun, og reyndar akkurat nuna thegar eg er ad skrifa thetta, er Einar og annar mecanic ad skipta um thessa ventla.  Vid akvadum i gaer ad pabbi og Skuli skyldu halda afram og fara i gegnum Dauda dalinn og til Las Vegas i dag.  Their logdu semsagt af stad i morgun kl. 06:00, til ad losna vid mestan hitann i Dauda dalnum og vonandi komast their heilir a hufi til Las Vegas i dag.  Thessi uppakoma er til thess ad their fa extra upplifun her i Amerikunni og thurfa ad takast adeins a vid fleiri mal en annars.  Thad er alltaf akvedid stress ad thurfa ad rata og finna stadi og finna sidan gistingu einhvers stadar i lok dags, i stad thess ad fylgja og elta bara einhverja adra og thurfa ekki ad hugsa neitt.  Thad er thess vegna sem vid Einar hofum skipst a allan timann i okkar Area 51ferd a ad vera i fararbroddi.  Tha getur madur annan hvern dag verid heilalaus og bara notid thess ad hjola og horfa i kringum sig.  Gott system.  En vonandi gengur thetta upp hja okkur Einari i dag med hjolid og ad vid getum lagt af stad seinnipartinn og farid bara stystu leid til Las Vegas og nad kollunum thar.  Kemur i ljos i dag.  En thad er annad sem eg er ekki buinn ad nefna, ad thessi baer her, Ridgecrest, er ca 25000 manna baer og her snyst allt um herinn.  Her allt i kring er mjog stor Army Base og thar a medal er hid fraega AREA 51 !!  Eins og margir vita er mikil dulud i kringum thennan stad og eru margir sem telja ad thar seu geimskip og geimverur sem ameriski herinn hefur fundid og/eda nad.  Tharna eru gerdar miklar tilraunir med flugvelar og allskyns tol sem herinn finnur upp a.  Eg hef verid ad leita og kikja eftir geimverum her, og tho ad eg rekist a allskyns skritid og stundum mjog skritid folk her, the held eg nu ad thad seu nu bara  " venjulegir " -Amerikanar !  Thetta er storskemmtilegt og gaman ad tala vid local buana her um Area 51.  Eg hitti einn Kana her i morgun sem vinnur hersvaedinu, tho ekki a Area 51 svaedinu, og honum var mikid i mun ad sannfaera mig um ad thad vaeru ekki geimskip og geimverur tharna.  Eins og eg vaeri ekki alveg viss um thad !!!  En her er mikill hiti, kringum 40 gradur og thvi rosalega heitt her.  Eg er ekki vanur ad vera i svona hita, og eins og eg sagdi vid Einar i gaer, ad uti vaeri vont vedur !!  Venjuleg skilgreining okkar a vondu vedri er rok og rigning.  En er ekki vont vedur thannig vedur ad thu vilt ekki fara ut !?  Ef svo er tha er thetta vont vedur - glampandi sol og logn og mikill hiti.  Oftast skilgreinum vid thetta sem gott vedur !  Gott i bili.


Einar and I are still here in Ridgecrest waiting for the spare parts we need for Einar’s bike. They were supposed to arrive yesterday but we did not get anything. But we have it now and Einar is fixing it as a write this with the help from another mechanic. We decided yesterday that our father and Skúli should keep on going through Death Valley and to Las Vegas today. They started at 6 am this morning to avoid the heat and hopefully they’ll get to Las Vegas without any problems. They are now riding on their own and its always a little stressful to have to find your own way instead of just following somebody else so you don’t have to think at all. That’s why Einar and I have been taking turns in leading the way during the trip.  But we’ll hopefully be able to fix the bike today and start going towards Las Vegas in the afternoon. But there’s one thing I haven’t mentioned yet, but that is that Ridgecrest is a town of 25000 people and the army is a huge thing for the town. There are many army bases everywhere around the town, even the famous AREA 51! As most of you know, there is a lot of secrecy around that place and many people say that there are space ships and aliens there that the American army has captured. A lot of tests are made there for airplains and other equipment which the army uses. I have been keeping my eyes open for aliens while I’m here but even though I sometimes meet some really strange people here I’m pretty sure that there are no aliens here. These people are just “normal Americans” and maybe it’s just me who is strange. But it’s a lot of fun talking to the locals here about Area 51. I met an American this morning who works at the army base, even though it’s not Area 51. He really wanted to convince me that there were no aliens there, like I actually thoght so. But the temperature here is high and I’m not used to be in this kind of heat. Our idea of a “bad weather” has changed a lot since we’ve been here. It’s not when it’s raining and windy anymore, but when it’s so hot that you can’t go outside! But that’s enough for now. Ttyl - Sverrir

Viðtalið í dag og umfjöllun í Blaine / The interview today and news in Blaine.

Hér að neðan má heyra viðtalið frá því morgun á Rás 2.  Aftarlega á línunni eftir fréttir og lag.


Svo er gaman að nefna að það forsíðufrétt um bræðurna í The Northern Light í Blaine, USA


Brothers Sverrir and Einar Thorsteinsson stop for Blaine’s Icelandic picnic during their ride
around the world. Photo by Rob Olason
 http://www.thenorthernlight.com/archives/2007/tnl_july19_2007/fp2.html  “We left Iceland heading East, and we continued heading East for months and will continue heading East until we reach Iceland again. And then we will stop,” said a smiling Einar Thorsteinsson on a sunny day in Blaine, Washington on the Canada/U.S. border.

Ridgecrest, California, USA

Endinn a route 66Jæja, loksins farnir af stað, allir fjórir.  Pabbi og Skúli komnir á sitthvorn Harley Davidson og eru þeir ótrúlega flottir, þ.e. karlarnir !  Við fórum fyrst til Hollywood til að sjá hið fræga Hollywood merki og hjóla Hollywood Boulevard og var það gaman.  Annars var umferðin svo mikil og hitinn mikill að þetta var frekar erfitt og fórum við sem fyrst af stað út úr borginni.  Við tókum stefnuna út úr borginni til austurs og svo til norðurs og var mikil upplifun fyrir okkur og þá sérstaklega Harley bræður að komast út í eyðimörkina.  Þar var vegurinn þráðbeinn í tugi kílómetra og ekkert nema eyðimörkin í kring með sínum smá hríslum og greinum.  Hitinnn fór í ca 40 gráður og er því rosalega heitt að hjóla.  En það verður bara að venjast.  Við erum núna í litlum bæ sem Ridgecrest og er úti í eyðimörkinni og var ferðinni heitið til Las Vegas í dag, með viðkomu  i Dauða dalnum ( Death valley ) en það breyttist.  Einar lagði hjólinu sínu fyrir utan herbergið okkar í gær, og þegar hann ætlaði að starta í morgun þá vildi það ekki í gang.  Til að gera langa sögu stutta, þá semsagt bilaði mótorinn í hjólinu hjá honum og stendur nú viðgerð yfir.  Varahluturinn sem okkur vantar kemur á morgun og seinnipartinn á morgun ættum við því að geta lagt af stað aftur.  Fyrir þá sem hafa vit á, þá bognuðu innsogsventlarnir báðir, og mótorinn hætti að þjappa.  En þetta er bara smáverkefni sem við þurfum að leysa og eins og venjulega þá gerum við það.  Við lítum bara á þennan biðtíma sem deathaðlögunartíma fyrir Harley bræður, til að venjast hita og einnig þessum mikla tímamun sem þeir eru að upplifa.  Death valley, er heitasti staður Bandaríkjanna og hafa sumir varað okkur við að fara þarna í gegn á þessum árstíma. Ég veit ekki alveg hversu hár hitinn getur orðið en trúlega um og yfir 50 stig !  En við ætlum samt.  Einnig er þessi staður lægsti punktur Bandaríkjanna, ca 80 metrar undir sjávarmáli.  Þaðan tökum við svo stefnuna beint til Las Vegas.  Ætlunin er að reyna að fylgja gamla Route 66 veginum yfir Bandaríkin, með viðeigandi útúrdúrum og þess háttar.  Fyrir tilviljun, þá var gististaðurinn sem við gistum á í Santa Monica, aðeins 500 metrum frá upphafspunkti, eða endapunkti, route 66 !  Skemmtileg tilviljun og erum við því nú þegar búnir að hjóla smávegis af þessum fræga vegi.  En þetta er nóg í bili.

We’re finally on the road, all four of us. My father and Skúli are riding their Harleys and they are looking really good. We first went to Hollywood to see the famous Hollywood sign and ride the Hollywood Boulevard and that was really fun. The traffic was heavy and the temperature was high so this was pretty difficult and we left the city pretty soon. We headed east at first and the north and it was a great experiance for us being there in the desert, especially for the Harley brothers. The road was straight for miles and miles and nothing but the desert around us. The temperature went up to 40° so it was pretty hard to ride there but we just have to get use to it. We are now in a little town called Ridgecrest which is in the desert. We were going to go to Las Vegas today and ride through Death Valley but things changed. Einar parked his bike outside our room last night and when he was going to start the bike this morning it didn’t work. To make a long story short, the motor broke down and we’re repairing it now. The spare part we need is going to be here tomorrow and we should be on our way in the afternoon. But we just look at the waiting as a time to adjust for the Harley brothers who have to get use to the heat and the timedifference. Death Valley is the hottest place in the US and people have warned us to not go there on this time of the year. I don’t know exactly how high the temperature can get there but it’s probably around 50°C! But we’re going through there anyway. This is also the lowest point of the US, ca 80 metres below sealevel. From Death Valley, we’ll then head straight to Las Vegas. The plan is to follow the old Route 66 across the US, with some minor detours of course. Coincidently, our hotel, Santa Monica, is only 500 metres from the starting point (or the end) of Route 66! It’s a funny coincidence and we’ve now ridden a little part of this famous road. But that’s enough for today, ttyl - Sverrir

Manudagur, Santa Monica, USA

CSI Miami

Ja, aevintyrid heldur afram.  I morgun thegar eg vaknadi,  for eg med tolvuna mina i vidgerd her rett hja, tvi  ad i ljos kom ad einvher virus hafdi komist i tolvuna.  En vel ad merkja, eg er ekki buinn ad vera med tolvu hingad til, en pabbi kom med gomlu fartolvuna mina hingad svo ad eg geti verid i betra bloggsambandi naestu vikur.  Eg hef stundum sagt ad lifid se svo audvelt i Ameriku.  Thad sem eg a vid er ad ef ad eitthvad vantar eda tharf ad finna eitthvad, tha er bara ad taka upp simann, eda kikja i simaskra eda fara a netid, tha er madur ekki nema nokkrar minutur ad finna thad sem madur leitar ad.  Og thad stodst i thessu tilviki, eg fann gamla simaskra her i gaerkvoldi og viti menn, eftir nokkrar minutur var komin nidurstada og verkstaedi fundid sem lagadi tolvuna i dag.   En, eftir ad hafa farid med tolvuna, hringdi eg i Egil " Eagle " Egilsson kunningja minn og hann baud okkur ad koma i heimsokn i studioid til sin.  Thad gerdum vid og vorum komnir thangad um 11 leytid.  Thar saum vid thegar verid var ad taka upp nokkur atridi i CSI, Miami og er otrulegt ad upplifa thetta og sja thennan gerviheim sem buinn er til.  Eg hitti thar tvo af adalleikurum thattanna, thau Emily Procter og Jonathan Togo.  Thad var gaman ad sja thessa leikara vera ad vinna og sja hversu mikid fagfolk thetta er.  Tharna foru thau med somu rulluna aftur og aftur medan allt lidid i kringum thau voru ad stilla og taka upp atridid nokkrum sinnum og fra hinum ymsu sjonarhornum.  En fyndnasta starfid tharna voru tveir starfsmenn sem gerdu ekkert annad en ad standa i sporum leikaranna allan timann sem taeknilidid var ad stilla ljos og fleira.  Thetta folk er semsagt i fullri vinnu allt arid ad standa i sporum leikaranna a milli atrida.  Mjog skritid.  Egill er yfir allri kvikmyndatokunni og er med ca 20 manns undir ser sem ser um ad gera alla hluti.  Thvilik upplifum.  En tharna skodudum vid okkur um og saum alla leikmyndina sem notud er og fekk eg meira ad segja ad leggjast a likbordid thar sem likin eru krufin i thattunum !!  En leikararnir voru thaegilegir og skemmtilegir og Jonathan Togo, sem bjo medal annars i New York i nokkur ar, gaf okkur upp nokkra af bestu pizzustodum og borum  i New York.  En thad er merkilegt, ad flest allir leikarar sem madur ser " life " eru svo lagaxnir.  Thessir tveir leikarar eru mjog lagvaxnir og enn og aftur fannst mer eg vera risi.  En thetta var skemmtileg reynsla og eftirminnileg.  I kvold kom svo Egill til okkar a Ironhorse chopper hjolinu sinu og baud hann okkur ollum ut ad borda.  Mjog höfdinglegt af honum.  Vid þökkum honum kærlega fyrir alla aðstoðina og skemmtilegheitin her.

Eg setti nokkrar nyjar myndir i myndaalbumid.  Endilega ad kikja.


So the adventure continues. I took my computer to a repair workshop this morning because I found out that there’s some kind of virus in my computer. I haven’t had a computer uptil this point but dad brought my computer with him so it could be easier to blog for the next weeks. I’ve said before that it’s easy to live in America and what I mean by that is when something is needed all you have to do is get to the next phone book or get on the internet and find what you need. And that’s exactly what I did concerning my computer. I looked up the next phonebook and found a repair workshop really close. After leaving the computer at the workshop I called Egill “Eagle” Egilsson and he offered us to come visit the CSI studio. We were there around 11 and saw when they were taking some scenes for the show and it was unbelievable to see the “fake” world that they create. I met two of the stars of the show there, Emily Prochter and Jonathan Togo. It was really fun to see them do their work and see how professional they are. They went over their lines over and over again while other people were setting up everyhing else. But the funnies job someone had over there was simply standing where the actors were going to be in the scene so others could set the lighting, and other technical details, right. Really strange. Egill controls all the cameras and has around 20 people working for him. But we looked around there for a while and saw the whole studio and I even got to lay on the table where they analize the bodies. The actors were all really nice and fun to be around. Jonathan Togo, who lived in New York once, told us all about he best pizza places in the world and where we could find them. But it’s funny how actors can look smaller in real person but those two were not so tall and I felt like a giant again. But all of this was a great experience and a memorable one. Egill came to us earlier this evening on his Ironhorse chopper bike and took us out to dinner. Very generous of him and we want to thank him for all his help and everything. I also put some new pictures in the album. – Ttyl - Sverrir

Sunnudagur, Santa Monica, USA


Hér snyst ansi margt bara um kvikmyndir og sjonvarp.  Her eru thusundir manna og kvenna ad reyna ad " meika thad " a hverjum degi og ber gotulifid thess merki, serstaklega a kvoldin.  Thad er gongugata her rett vid hotelid okkar, 3 street promenade, og thar er mikid lif a hverju kvoldi.  Listamenn med 20 metra millibili ad reyna ad koma ser a framfaeri eda verda uppgotvadir.  En munurinn kannski her og annars stadar sem eg hef sed svona gotulistamenn, er ad standardinn her er rosalega har.  Sumt af thessu folki er eru hreinraektadir listamenn og myndu soma ser vel nanast hvar sem er i heiminum, en thad vill lata uppgotva sig her.  Ef thu meikar thad i Ameriku, tha ertu a graenni grein !  En adeins ad odru.  I gaer for eg i sma hjolatur her upp i fjollin rett fyrir ofan Malibu, til ad skoda og sja fraegan stad " The Rock Store "  Thetta er gomul bensinstod og general store, eda kaupfelagid eins og vid kollum thad, og er gamalt og fallegt hus.  Tharna koma saman um helgar i kringum hadegid motorhjolamenn og syna sig og sja adra.  Svo kaupir madur ser gamaldags orginal hamborgara og faer ser Coka Cola med.  Tharna sa eg allskonar furdufugla og a allskonar hjolum og mikil upplifun ad hitta og spjalla vid thetta folk.  Tharna hitti eg mann sem var a Harley Davidson skellinodru sem var pinulitil, en madurinn sem er yfir 2 metrar a haed kom hjolandi a thessu hjoli, og thad sem meira er, buinn ad hjola um oll Bandarikin a thessu hjoli.  Hjolid er smidad arid 1967 og er hann buinn ad eiga thad alla tið.  Eg a til imynd i hausnum af folki sem kallad er " hillbillys " og thessi agaeti madur var akkurat thessi typa.  Langur og mjor, med mikid yfirvaraskegg og sitt gratt har i tagli, og svo var hann i koflottri skyrtu og gomlum gallabuxum !  Otrulega flottur karakter.  En thad sem gerdi thessa ferd eftirminnilega hja mer var ad tharna hitti eg " vin " minn, Jay Leno i egin personu og spjalladi tharna adeins vid hann.  Eins og flestir kannski vita, tha er Jay Leno mikill ahugamadur um bila og motorhjol, baedi gamalt og nytt.  Hann a nokkur hundruð bila og motorhjol sem er allt eru gamlir og / eda fagaetir gripir.  Hann semsagt maetir tharna oft um helgar og spjallar vid hina dellukarlana.  Skemmtileg tilviljun.   Thetta var semsagt i gaer ( sunnudag ) og for eg tharna medan eg og Einar vorum ad bida eftir nyju ferdafelogum okkar sem voru vaentalegir seinna um daginn.  Pabbi og Skuli lentu semsagt i LA um 3 leytid og vid hittum tha svo um kl. 17.  Thad var gaman ad hitta tha og eru skemmtilegir timar framundan med theim felogum.  Vid Einar kollum tha Harley braedur, thvi their maettu herna svona lika sallafinir og klaeddir alveg eins Harley gallabuxum og gallajokkum sem their keyptu i Boston og er aetlunin ad nota naestu vikur her i hitanum.  Thetta eru serstakar buxur og jakkar, thvi thetta er klaett med Kevlar efni ad innan sem getur bjargad manni ef ohapp verdur.  Restin af deginum for svo i thad ad spjalla saman og fara adeins yfir hlutina og sötra Bud og segja montsogur. 


TV is a big thing here in America. Thousands of people trying to “make it” in the business every day, and the streets are filled with those kind of people, especially during the evenings. There’s a street right by our hotel called 3 street promenade where there’s always a lot going on during the evenings. There are all kinds of artists there tempting to get discovered but the difference between the artists here and everywhere else is that the standard is on a much higher level here. Some of the people here are talented enough to make a good living everywhere else but they just want to be discovered here because if you make it in America you’re good for life! But anyway, I went on a little trip up to the mountains yesterday to see a famous place called “The Rock Store”. It’s an old gas station and a general store which are really beautiful buildings. Bikers often get together there on weekends to both show off and to see other bikers and their bikes. Then you’ll buy an old-fashioned burger and wash it down with a bottle of Coca Cola. I saw a lot of strange people there and it was an amazing experience to be there and get to talk to all the people there. I met a man there who had a tiny Harley Davidson but he was around 2 m tall and he had ridden on it all over America! The bike was made in 1967 and he has owned it ever since. This man fitted my idea of a typical “Hillbilly”, slim and tall, with thick beard and his gray hair in a pony tail. But what made this experience even more memorable was meeting my “pal” Jay Leno in person. But as most people know, Jay Leno is a big enthusiast of cars and motorcycles so that’s why he sometimes goes there and talkes to all the other men who have the same interest in cars and motorcycles. So this was on Sunday and I was doing that while Einar and I were waiting for our father and Skúli who landed in LA around 3. We met them at 5 pm that day and it was really fun to see them. Einar and I call them the Harley brothers because they showed up in really nice Harley jackets which they bought in Boston and intend to use for the rest of the trip. The rest of the day was spent in discussions about various things while drinking a Bud.

Santa Monica, California, USA

Santa Monica CaliforniaKominn til Los Angeles, eda thar um bil. Eg er i Santa Monica sem er eiginlega samfast Los Angeles. Vid komum her i dag um 5 leytid i miklum hita. Hjoludum veg sem heitir California 58, sem liggur fra strondinni adeins inn i landid og er frabaer motorhjolavegur. Thad eru nanast bara motorhjol sem fara thennan veg thvi hann er throngur og hlykkjottur. Mjog skemmtilegur. En, nuna er eg semsagt buinn ad fara ad sja Moto GP, motorhjolin og thad er olysanleg reynsla. Ad sja thessi motorhjol theysast um brautina a orugglega 300 km hrada og liggja i beygjum eins og thau seu limd vid brautina og svo allur havadinn, !!!!!! Otruleg upplifun. Skemmtileg tilviljun ad vera tharna a thessum tima. Vid saum semsagt alla bestu motorhjolamenn heimsins i brautinni i gaer a aefingum. Eftir ad hafa eytt mestum parti dagsins a brautinni akvadum vid ad hjola adeins til sudurs og sja hvort vid fyndum ekki gistingu einhversstadar fljotlega. Thad endadi med thvi ad vid hjoludum ca 250 km og gistum a litlum stad sem heitir San Simeon, og er alveg vid strondina. Mjog fallegt. En thad sem kom mer mest a ovart, var hvad vegur nr. 1, sem liggur med strondinni er fallegur tharna fyrir sunnan Monterey. Eg er buin ad segja nokkrum sinnum hvar highway 101 er fallegur og skemmtilegur, en tharna var toppnum nad. Otrulega fallaegt. Snarbrattar hlidar og hlykkjottur vegur med sjoinn og sandinn a adra hondina og fallegar og snarbrattar hlidar og tre a hina hondina. Virkilega mikil upplifun. Eg er alltaf ad upplifa meira og meira, og eg er satt ad segja i vandraedum stundum med ad medtaka thetta allt. Madur er buinn ad sja svo margt og upplifa mikid, ad manni haettir til ad verda samdauna ollu. Stundum a kvoldin thegar eg er ad skrifa i dagbokina mina, stend eg mig ad thvi ad geta ekki skrifad neitt. Mer finnst eins og ekkert hafi gerst merkilegt og thvi ekkert ad skrifa um. En svo set eg hlutina i annad samhengi og tha fer ymislegt ad koma i ljos. Thad sem mer finnst ekkert merkilegt nuna, hefdi mer fundist otrulega merkilegt fyrir nokkrum manudum. Einnig kemur thetta fram thegar eg er ad tala vid folk a fornum vegi og er ad segja thvi hvad vid erum ad gera. Tha rennur stundum upp fyrir manni staerdin a thessu verkefni okkar. Thegar vid komum hingad i dag, forum vid og hittum Egil Egilsson kvikmyndatokumann, sem hefur buid her i 19 ar og tok hann vel a moti okkur. Hann er adalkvikmyndatokumadur fyrir CSI 11012003Santa_Monica_California_-_Pacific_Coast_HighwayMiami, thaettina her i sjonvarpinu. Hann er ad adstoda okkur og aetlar medal annars ad saekja pabba og Skula a flugvollinn a morgun. Motelid sem vid erum a er stadsett alveg vid strondina og finnst mer eins og eg se i biomynd herna. Madur hefur svo oft sed thetta umhverfi sem vid erum i nuna, i biomyndum. Skritid ad vera herna. A morgun og manudaginn, aetlum vid ad taka thvi rolega, thvi pabbi og Skuli fa ekki Harley hjolin sin fyrr en a thridudagsmorgun. Aetlum semsagt ad vera touristar i 2 daga. Reyndar tharf eg ad skipta um bremsuklossa ad aftan hja mer og einnig tharf eg ad skipta um oliu og loftsiu, thannig ad eg hef eitthvad til ad dunda mer yfir. En nuna er eg staddur inni i Apple bud og er ad profa eina Mac tolvuna og er ad blogga thetta thar. Fullt af folki her i kringum mig, og mikid af ungu svortu folki sem er ad spila rapptonlist a fullu her og reyni ad lata sem eg fili thessa tonlist i botn !!! En nog i bili. Meira a morgun.

I have arrived to Los Angeles, or almost. I’m in Santa Monica but that’s a part of LA. We arrived here at 5 pm today and it was really warm. We took a road called California 58, which goes along the beach and a little bit into the country and it’s a great road for bikers. There are almost only bikes that use this road because it’s very narrow and wavy, but it’s really fun. But now we’ve seen the MotoGP motorcycles and that was an increadable experience to see the motorcycles, the high speed and all the loud noises. Amazing! But after spending the biggest part of the day watching that, we decided to ride south and see if we couln’t find a motel. We ended up riding 250 km and stayed at a small place called San Simeon but it’s just by the beach and it’s very beautiful. But what surprised the most is what road nr.1, which goes along the beach here, is beautiful south of Monterey. I’ve said that highway 101 is really beautiful a couple of times before but this experience was the top. Steep hills, wavy roads and beautiful trees everywhere. I’m always getting more and more impressed by the surroundings here and frankly, It’s sometimes hard to take it all in. I’m saying this because I’ve traveled a lot and seen many different things so I sometimes feel that, in a way, everything looks the same. I even sometimes find myself not able to write in my diery after a day because I don’t feel like anything has happened. But when I put things in a different context I realize that it’s not true at all. What I don’t find a big deal today I might have found extraordinary a few months back. I also realize this when I talk to people and tell them about what I’m doing. But anyway, when we came here today, we met Egill Egilsson, a filmmaker who has lived here for 19 years, and he gave us a good welcome. He is the main cameraman for CSI Miami which is a very popular TV show. He is assisting us and is e.g. going to pick up dad and Skúli from the airport tomorrow. The motel where we are staying at is placed right by the beach and I feel like I’m in a middle of a hollywood movie. I’ve seen these surroundings so many times before in movies and it’s strange to actually be here. Tomorrow, on Monday, we’re just going to take it easy because our father, Dossi, and Skúli won’t get their Harleys until Tuesday morning so we’re just going to be tourists for a couple of days. But we need to change the brake pads on my rear tire, and also we need to change the oil and the airfilters, so I’ll have something to do for the next couple of days. I’m now inside an Apple outlet trying out a Mac computer so that’s how I’m blogging today. Lots of people around me, especially young black people who are playing rap music very loudly. But I just sit here and pretend to love this kind of music! But that’s enough for now. Ttyl - Sverrir

Monterey, California, USA.

Eg og bruin.Kominn til baearins Monterey i Californiu og er alveg vid strondina.  Vegirnir sem vid erum bunir ad hjola undanfarna viku, thad er, highway 101 og highway 1, sem liggja medfram strondinni, eru otrulega skemmtilegir og fjolbreyttir.  Allt fra thvi ad hlykkjast um thetta skoga upp og nidur, i thad ad vera beinir og fallegir medfram sjavarkambinum, og nanast ut i sjo stundum.  Skemmtileg leid sem eg maeli eindregid med.  Littlir baeir sem vid forum i gegnum a leidinni eru fallegir og verda meira og meira sudraenir og thar af leidandi meira af folki af spaenskum uppruna.  Hitinn eykst og er mjog heitt adeins inn i landinu, en betra alveg utvid strondina, thvi thar er kaldur vindur af hafi sem gerir thetta thaegilegra.  Thad var skemmtilegt ad heyra thad i sjonvarpinu i gaer, ad thetta var i fyrsta skipti i 150 ar sem rigndi i San Fransisko a deginum 18 juli, og hvad haldid thid, ju eg og Einar komum i borgina thennan dag !!!  I dag forum vid svo og skodudum Golden Gate bruna her i San Fransisko og saum hid illraemda Alcatras fangelsi ut a floanum.  Sidan hjoludum vid yfir bruna og i gegnum borgina sem var einstaklega skemmtilegt og fallegt.  Thetta er stor borg og segja margir ad hun se ein fallegasta borg Bandarikjanna.  Upplifunin sem eg vard fyrir thegar eg sat uppi a haed rett vid bruarspordinn og horfdi yfir var otruleg.  Sjaldan fundid svona sterka tilfinningu fyrr thegar eg heimsaeki thekkta stadi.  Eg sat tharna lengi og let thess skritnu tilfinningu siga haegt inn.  En, vid semsagt komum med rigninguna med okkur og komumst a spjold sogunnar !  Thetta er svo sem daemigert fyrir okkur.  Einnig hofum verid ad sannreyna eina kenningu sem gengur ut a thad, ad ef madur klaedir sig i regngallann, tha haettir ad rigna, ef madur fer i peysuna sina og kuldagallann, tha hitnar skommu sidar.  Semsagt, vedrid laetur alltad eins og bornin gera, photo+moto+gpthad er, ef madur ograr og segir ad manni se alveg sama, tha breytist vedrid i andstaeda att.  Thetta hefur virkad agaetlega hingad til.   I dag stoppudum vid a leidinni hingad vid littla sveitabud til ad kaupa okkur vatn.  Thurfum ad drekka mikid vatn herna, og tha hittum vid folk a motorhjolum, tvo por, sem voru a leid til Monterey eins og vid.  Eg hafdi tekid eftir thvi ad mjog mikil umferd af motorhjolum var a leidinni i thessa att og hofdum vid Einar ord a thessu vid hvorn annan.  En thetta folk upplysti okkur um thad, ad nuna um helgina, verdur staersta motorhjolakeppni Ameriku haldin tharna.  MotoGP, sem er sambaerileg vid Formulu 1 i bilunum !!  Thetta er thvi enginn smavidburdur og aetlad ad i kringum 50.000 manns komi til ad horfa a thessa keppni.  Og tharna erum vid allt i einu og hofdum ekki hugmynd um thetta.  Vid aetlum semsagt ad kikja a thessa keppni a morgun, thvi tha byrja timatokur og upplifa thetta adeins.  Thetta er vist mjog stor vidburdur i Ameriku.  Skemmtileg tilviljun.  Og eg held meira ad segja ad keppnin se i beinni utsendingu a Skja Einum um helgina.  Kannski get eg vinkad ykkur i sjonvarpinu !  Gott i bili. Kilometrateljarinn er ca 25140.   Setti nokkrar nyjar myndir i myndaalbumid.

We are now in Monterey, California, but that’s by the beach. The roads we’ve travelled the past week have been really enjoyable to ride. I’m talking about highway 1 and highway 101 and the roads along the coastline, but they can be really wavy and diverse. It’s a great route to travel and it has my recommendation. The small villages we pass are also very beautiful but thei’re getting more and more southern and therefore the people are more hispanic. The heat is going up but it’s cooler by the coastline because there are cold winds coming from the oceans there. It was interesting to hear in yesterdays news that it was the first day in 150 years that it rained in San Fransisco, on the 18th of July, and of course that was the day Einar and I came to San Fransisco!  We went to see the Golden Gate bridge here in San Fransisco today and we also saw the infamous Alcatral prison. We then rode over the bridge and through the city which was really entertaining and beautiful. It’s a big city and some people even say that it is the most beautiful city in the United States. The feeling I got when I sat on top of a hill, righ by the bridge, and looked over the scene was increadable. I’ve almost never had such a strong feeling visiting other famous places in the world. I sat there for a while and enjoyed that feeling to the fullest. But we are now in San Fransisco, we brought the rain with us and made history! We’ve also been developing this theory which says that if you put on the rainclothes, it stops raining, and if you put on your sweater and your warm clothes, it will get warm shortly after. So, the weather behaves like the children, if you tempt it and say that you don’t care, it will change in an opposite direction. This has been working fine so far. We stopped at a small country store to buy ourselves water today because we have to drink a lot of water here. We met some people there, two couples, who were on their way to Monterey like we were. I had noticed that there was a lot of motorcycle traffic heading towards Monterey and Einar and I had even talked about that. But 2 couples told us that MotoGP, the biggest motorcycle competition in America, will be held there this weekend! MotoGP is like formula 1 in motorcycles so it’s a huge event where there will be about 50.000 spectators. So it’s a weird coincidence that we happen to be there at this time. We’re going to take a look at the event tomorrow. I think this race will be broadcasted live in Iceland. I might be able to wave to you all from there! The km counter is at 25140 and I added some new pictures to the album. Ttyl - Sverrir

Viðtalið í dag / The interview today

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