12.7.2007 | 04:54
Fort St John, BC, Kanada.
Halló, nuna er ég i littlum bae sem heitir Fort St John og er i BC fylki i Kanada. Dagurinn byrjadi a thvi ad vid forum ad gera vid hjolin. Ja, thetta var staersta adgerd sem vid hofum gert a hjolunum. Thau hafa stadid sig frabaerlega en nuna skiptum vid um dekk, baedi ad framan og aftan og settum undir god gotudekk. Einnig skiptum vid um kedjur a badum hjolunum. Eins og kom fram i sidasta pistli tha slitnadi kedjan hja mer og thar med var kominn timi til ad skipta. En thetta gekk vel og hjolin i toppstandi nuna. En dagurinn var hefbundinn, hjoludum til Fort St John i gegnum geysilega fallegt landslag og i godu vedri. Hitinn eykst med hverjum deginum eftir thvi sem vid komum sunnar og thad endar med thvi ad motorhjolagallarnir sem vid erum i verda allt of heitir. Verdum ad leysa thad bradlega. Eg thurti ad stoppa a hjolinu i dag vegna thess ad thad var verid ad gera vid bru sem vid thurftum ad fara yfir. Ekkert mal, en fyrir framan okkur var nokkura ara gamall Harley Davidson med kerru i eftirdragi og tvaer manneskjur a hjolinu. Thegar vid vorum bunir ad bida tharna smastund forum vid ad spjalla vid thetta folk. Tha kom i ljos ad thau voru Amerikanar og voru a leid heim eftir ad hafa farid til Alaska. Thetta voru hjon og orugglega a sjotugsaldri. Hann var stor og mikill og fulskeggjadur og hun var lika stor og mikil en adeins minna skeggjud ! En semsagt, tha voru thau stor og thung og med mikinn farangur og eg verd ad segja eins og er, ad eg vorkenndi hjolinu svolitid, svo hladid var thad ! En thad sem stod uppur thessu samtali, var ad madurinn sagdi ad thau hefdu akvedid ad fara til Alaska i sumar og vaeru akvedin i ad fara med storu skemmtiferdaskipi thangad, thvi thad er mjog algengt. En svo sagdi hann og brosti ut ad eyrum: " Eg bardi i bordid og sagdi vid konuna mina, veistu elskan, ad a medan vid getum hjolad a Harley Davidson hjolinu okkar tha forum vid a thvi, vid getum alltaf farid med skipi thegar vid erum ordin gomul " Tharna sa eg semsagt yndisleg hjon a besta aldri og i godu standi sem vildu lifa lifinu lifandi. Thad skein af theim hamingjan og lifskrafturinn og thad var yndislegt ad sja thau hverfa a braut ut i buskann a gamla hjolinu ! Svona a ad gera thetta, aldrei of seint. A morgun holdum vid afram sudur og forum i gegnum baeinn Dawson Creek thar sem Alaska Higway byrjar. Thar er svokalladur " Mile Zero " eda upphafspunktur thessa merkilega vegar. Svo holdum vid afram i att til Vancouver. Erum ekki alveg bunir ad akveda hvada leid vid forum. Kemur i ljos.
Hi, Im now in a little town called Fort St. John but thats in BC, Canada. We started the day by fixing some things on the bike. It was the biggest operation weve done on the bikes since we started the trip but the bikes have done a good job overall. We changed tires, both rear and front, and we put some good street tires under the bikes. We also changed the chains on the bikes but that was especially necessary because like I said before, my chain broke not long ago. Everything went well and the bikes are ready to go! Besides this operation, this day was pretty normal. We rode to For St John and passed the beautiful landscape in a nice weather. The heat is constantly increasing now when were going further south. The motorcycle clothing is getting too hot for us so we have to fix that problem somehow. We had to make a stop today because there were men working on a bridge that we needed to use. In front of us there was this old Harley Davidson with a cart attatched to it and two people on the bike. W started to chat with this people and found out that they were Americans headed home after traveling to Alaska. They were married and probably in theyr 60s og 70s. The husband was huge with thick beard and she was big also but didnt have as much beard! But anyway, they were heavy, carrying a lot of stuff with them so I felt a little sorry for the bike. But what stood up from talking to them was when they told us that they were going to go on a cruise to Alaska but decided to ride the Harley while they still could because they could always go on a cruise later =) Its never too late! But tomorrow well keep heading south and well pass through Dawson Creek where Alaska higway begins. Mile Zero is there but thats the beginning of this famous road. We will then go on towards Vancouver but we havent decided which way were going to go. Well see. Ttyl - Sverrir
Já ţađ hefur gefiđ ykkur auka kraft ađ sjá gömlu hjónin.
"Viđ hćttum ekki ađ leika okkur af ţví viđ erum orđin gömul - viđ verđum gömul ţegar viđ hćttum ađ leika okkur".
Gangi ykkur áfram vel.
S. Lúther Gestsson, 12.7.2007 kl. 05:03
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.