Bloggfęrslur mįnašarins, jśnķ 2007
14.6.2007 | 20:25
Vištališ ķ morgun į Rįs2 / The interview this morning
Vištališ er aftarlega į lķnunni eftir įtta fréttirnar og auglżsingar.
Feršalög | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
13.6.2007 | 10:37
60 km austan viš Mobocha 13. jśnķ - Ķ Sķberu
Góšan daginn Ķsland. Žį er klukkan oršin įtta hér og komiš kvöld og ég datt ašeins óvęnt inni ķ mobiletelesystem og ég įkvaš aš hringja heim meš smį blogg. Vaknaši eftir frekar mikinn veltisvefn ķ Chita žar sem mikiš var um hįvaša śti, partż, bķlar, söngur og gķtar, hundar og hanar alla nóttina. Leit śt um gluggann og var sólskin og ekki skż į himni og žessi "ömurlega" borg var allt ķ einu oršin falleg, sżnir hvaš vešriš og sólin geta breytt sżn manns į hlutina. Klęddum okkur og röltum śt į verkstęšiš meš smį hnśt ķ maganum, skyldi Stanislav vera bśinn aš skrśfa hjólin ķ sundur og selja žau ķ bitum !? Žegar viš komum aš verkstęšinu kom hśsvöršurinn į móti okkur en hann sefur ķ litlum klefa į verkstęšinu og svo sįum viš svo sķšar aš žessi litli klefi er heimiliš hans. Hann heilsaši okkur og brosti meš sķnum fjórum tönnum žannig og fékk į tilfinninguna aš žetta vęri eitthvaš spśki žarna inni. En inni į verkstęšinu voru hjólin į sķnum staš og allt ķ góšu. Fórum ķ žaš aš skipta um dekk og setja kubbadekkin undir og viš eyddum ķ žaš tveimur tķmum og žį kom Stanislav į žessu lķka fķna Yamaha mótorhjóli. Žį aš sjįlfsögšu skżršust allir hlutir. Hann er mótorhjólamašur og žess vegna var hann aš ašstoša okkur, einn af fįum sem er ekki į kķnversku eša rśssnesku mótorhjóli. Hann spurši hvort hann mętti fylgja okkur śt śr bęnum sem viš žįšum meš žökkum žvķ žaš getur veriš erfitt aš finna réttu vegina śt śr borgunum og geršum viš žaš meš viškomu ķ eina hrašbanka bęjarins žvķ okkur vantaši višbót af rśblum. Sķšan fylgdi hann okkur śr bęnum og žar kvöddumst viš. Mikill heišursmašur hann Stanislav. Hann skildi ekki neitt ķ ensku og og viš ekki meš rśssneskuna į hreinu en samskiptin voru samt góš !
Sķšan hjólušum viš af staš śt ķ óvissuna ķ austurįtt. Spennandi kafli framundan, 1500 kķlómetrar af malarvegi sem er allt frį žvķ aš vera žokkalega góšur ķ aš vera mjög lélegur. Fundum tjaldsvęši ķ gęrkvöldi og svįfum vel en žaš var töluveršur kuldi um nóttina, viš frostmark enda komnir inn ķ Sķberu. Lögšum af staš ķ fallegu vešri ķ dag og erum nżbśnir aš tjalda eftir 340 km og mešalhrašinn var oft ekki nema 15-20 km og var dagurinn žvķ svolķtiš strembinn hjólalega séš og ekki laust viš aš mašur sé žreyttur. Erfitt aš vera į
žessum vegum. Žaš eru svo miklir skógar hérna og varla hęgt aš finna blett fyrir tjaldiš svo viš endušum ķ malargryfju viš žjóšveginn. Frekar hart undirlag en žaš veršur aš hafa žaš. Langar til aš segja ykkur frį klósettinum hér ķ Rśsslandi, t.d. į kaffihśsum, verkstęšum og trukkagistihśsunum og žeim ódżru. Sum stašar eru einfaldir śtikamrar og ķ sumum tilvikum er oftast bara hafšur opinn kassi eša fata viš hlišina į klósettinu og ķ žau eru notušu eyšiblöšin sett. Svo ilmurinn er oft ansi ógešfelldur og er ég ekki alveg bśinn aš fatta hvers vegna žessi hįttur er hafšur į. Er žaš vegna lélegra nišurfalla eša er žetta endurnżtt eitthvaš frekar ? Spyr sį sem ekki veit. Hittum Svķa um daginn ķ Ulaan-Baatar og var hann į flottu hjóli į svipašri leiš og viš. Ķ dag žegar viš erum aš fara framhjį stórum vörubķl ķ dag sjįum viš hann sitjandi innķ bķlnum og mótorhjóliš hans uppi į palli. Viš veifušum til hans og uršum forvitnir hvort eitthvaš hefši komiš fyrir hjį honum. Hann er ljósmyndari og er hann į stóru BMW GS1200 adventure og hefur mikiš aš gręjum og mikiš planaš framundan hjį honum. Ég er forvitinn aš vita hvort eitthvaš hafi gerst hjį honum į žessu fķna hjóli. Er meš sķmann hjį honum og ętla kannski aš hringja ķ hann og heyra. Męlirinn er ķ 14.780 og ég stefni į aš vera ķ śtvarpinu hjį Hrafnhildi og Gesti ķ fyrramįliš. Bestu kvešjur frį Sķberķu.
Good morning Iceland. Its 8 pm here and getting late but I accidentaly connected to Mobiletelesystem so I decided to call home to make a blog. I woke up this morning but I didnt get much sleep since there was a lot of noice outside given by cars, parties, people singing and playing the guitar, dogs and even roosters. I looked out the window and I was surprised to see how beautiful the city was compared to the first impression I had last night. Its a good example how a little sunshine can change youre sight and opinions on things. We got dressed and walked to the repair shop and I was honestly a little scared because I didnt know if I could trust Stanislav, the Russian who offered us to keep our bikes in his shop. But everything turned out to be fine and we soon found out that he was a big enthusiast of motorcycles and even had a great looking Yamaha bike. He is probably the only man from here who is not riding a bike from either China or Russia. Stanislav asked us if he could ride with us out of the city and we agreed to that of course. We stopped by the only ATM in the city to get some more rubles. We said goodbye to Stanislav by the citys boundaries but Stanislav is a very decent man. He didnt speak a word in English and We, of course, didnt speak a word in Russian but despite that the communication was excellent! We then rode on to the unknown, going eastwards. Its an exciting chapter ahead, 1500 km of gravel roads that are from being decent to being straight up horrendous. We found a campsite last night and we had a good night sleep despite it was rather cold. We started riding again this morning in a good weather and we rode 340 km with the average speed not even reaching 25 km/hour. Its been a little difficult to ride in these conditions and I would be lieing if said I wasnt tired. There is so much woodland here that it was hard to find a place to camp but we ended up camping in a gravel pit by the side of the road. But I also want to talk a little bit about the toilets here in Russia if you could call it that. In some places there are just simple privies and there is even sometimes just a bucket beside it where youre supposed to put the used toilet paper so the smell can get pretty bad there and I dont really know why the Russians use this kind of system. Maybe because of bad drainpipes or is the toiletpaper recycled?! But anyway, we met a guy from Sweden the other day in Ulaan-Baatar and he was going a similar way as we. We saw him again today sitting in his pickup with his car on the pickup too. We tried to get his attention to see if something was wrong but it was unsuccessful. He is a photographer and he is riding a large BMW GS1200 adventure bike and he has a lot of fancy equipment and had a really big plan. I am curious to know if something went is wrong with that nice bike. Ive got his phone number and I might call him tomorrow. The counter says 14780 and Im planning to be on the Radio tomorrow morning. Best regards from Siberia - Sverrir
Feršalög | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:06 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
11.6.2007 | 10:25
Chita 11. jśnķ
Žegar viš erum aš leggja aš staš frį Ulan-Ude til aš fara aš Baikal stöšuvatninu žį hittum viš 6 ungmenni fyrir utan gistiheimiliš okkar. Žau voru aš bķša eftir mótorhjólunum sķnum sem voru aš koma meš lest frį Moskvu. Žau höfšu sjįlf komiš til Ulan-Ude meš lest sem tók 5 sólarhringa. Žeim fannst viš miklir ęvintżramenn og voru hrifin aš žvķ aš hitta okkur hérna og eitt žessarra ungmenna er meš vinsęlan mótorhjólažįtt ķ sjónvarpinu ķ Eistlandi og žau endušu į aš taka viš okkur sjónvarpsvištal sem į aš birtast ķ eistneska sjónvarpinu. Oršnir semsagt fręgir ķ Eistlandi ! Eftir aš hafa fyllt į vistir og bensķn hjólušum 140 km leiš ķ vesturįtt aš Baikalvatni. Baikalvatn er eins og įšur sagt grķšarlega stórt og fallegt en til aš skoša žaš vel žarf aš hafa bįt og mikinn tķma žvķ lķtiš er aš vegum žarna ķ kring. Viš komum aš vatninu ķ lķtiš rśssneskt sveitažorp og fórum strax nišur į strönd og žar var grķšalega fallegt um aš lķta og sandfjara. Viš įkvašum sem sagt aš gista ķ žessu žorpi nišur viš vatniš. Žaš var mjög gaman og breyttist sś sżn sem viš höfum haft į rśssneskum žorpum žvķ oft viš fyrstu sżn viršast žau vera hįlfköld og skķtug en nśna fundum viš fyrir breytingu, fulloršiš fólk sitjandi fyrir utan hśsin sķn spjallandi og börnin hoppandi og skoppandi. Hśsin ekki falleg aš utan en trślegast fallegri aš innan og ķ fyrsta sinn sem viš stoppum og gistum ķ svona sveitažorpi. Viš vatniš hittum viš gamlan sovétmann sem kom til Reykjavķkur meš Gorbatjsov žegar hann hitti Reagan og er hann mikill feršafrömušur ķ dag og gaman ašspjalla viš
hann žvķ hann talaši ensku. Uppśr stendur aš hann sagši aš "Russia is like a virgin" ..žaš er svo mikiš ósnortiš land hérna og žaš höfum viš svo sem upplifaš lķka fram aš žessu. Nś eftir góša nótt žarna žį lögšum viš aš staš tilbaka aftur til Ulan-Ude ķ rigningu, žaš er bara ein leiš tilbaka og uršum aš taka 370 km krók til aš komast aš vatninu fram og tilbaka og til aš halda įfram austur uršum viš semsagt aš aka sama veginn aftur tilbaka. Var skrżtin tilfinning aš koma aftur til Ulan-Ude žvķ žaš er ķ fyrsta sinn sem ég kem aftur į sama stašinn..eins og koma heim ! Sķšan héldum viš bara įttina austur til Chita og vešriš fór aš lagast Žarna į leišinni hittum viš rśssneska konu, 65 įra gamla į gömlu rśssnesku reišhjóli meš slęšuna sķna og er hśn aš hjóla frį Moskvu til Vladivostok sem er um 7500 km leiš !! Žetta er hśn aš hjóla til aš heimsękja ęttingja sķna og hefur hśn ekki efni įš feršast öšruvķsi. Ég stoppaši og fékk aš taka myndir af henni og hśn
var meirihįttar hress og sterk kona sem talaši rśssnesku og ég talaši viš hana ķslensku og smį handapat . Skömmu seinna fundum viš svo tjaldsvęši ķ skóginum og svįfum žar eftir huggulegt kvöld og engir skógarbirnir komu ķ heimsókn. Ķ dag fórum viš seint aš staš fyrr en undir 11 žvķ śti var grenjandi rigning og vorum aš bķša eftir aš žaš myndi stytta upp sem žaš gerši ekki og eftir 310 km ķ dag erum viš komnir til Chita og er alveg ljóst aš žetta var leišinglegasti hjóladagurinn frį upphafi, rok og rigning og viš rennandi blautir, tjaldiš og allt alveg gegnsósa. Žegar viš komum til Chita sem er dęmigerš rśssnesk borg, grį og skemmdar götur fundum viš lķtinn kķnverskan gististaš meš ašstoš rśssa sem stoppaši okkur og benti okkur į žetta. Hann er meš bķlaverkstęši og fengum viš geyma hjólin hjį honum og vonandi er žaš öruggt ! Žarna erum viš sem sagt nśna og 10 tķma munur. Fram undan eru 1500 km framundan meš erfišum malarvegum og höfum viš įkvešiš aš skipta nśna um dekk og setja kubbadekkin į. Žį fara hin undan sem hafa enst 14.200 km og er žaš frįbęr ending og er žaš teljarinn ķ dag. Veit ekki hvort ég get bloggaš mikiš nęstu daga vegna žess aš žaš veršur ekki margt į okkar leiš annaš en sveitin og nżkominn vegur sem viš munum fara eftir og veršum
trślegast ķ tjaldi žessar nętur og ekki sķmasamband. En verš vonandi ķ vištali viš Rįs2 į fimmtudagsmorgun meš nęstu fréttir. Viš erum ca viku į undan įętlun og žaš kemur helst til aš žvķ aš žegar viš höfum hjólaš ķ aušninni hérna ķ Rśsslandi og um skóginn žį höfum viš ekki stoppaš mikiš. Ętlum aš eyša žessum umfram tķma ķ Japan en žar ku vera frįbęrlega fallegt aš feršast um. Hittum Žjóšverja um daginn sem tjįši okkur žaš. Og eins eyša fleiri dögum ķ Alaska og Kanada žar sem tķmaįętlunin var tęp žar. Einhverjir erfišleikar aš senda myndir heim en reyni betur. En žangaš til nęst bestu kvešjur frį Rśsslandi.
When we are setting off to Baikal from Ulan-Ude, we meet 6 young people outside of our rooming house. They were waiting for their bikes that were supposed to be on the train coming from Moskow. They had also taken the train from Moskow and it took 5 days. They were impressed with what Einar and I were doing and were interesting in motorcycles. One of them is even hosting a popular motorcycle show in Estonia and he ended up taking an interview with us which will be broadcasted in Estonia sometime. So well be famous in Estonia! After we restored our supplies and filled up the tanks we rode 140 km west to Baikal lake. The lake of Baikal is, like I said before, extremely large but its beautiful but we cant see it that well because there arent many good roads around the lake. We came to small russian village by the lake and we immediately went down to the beach which was very beautiful. So we decided to spend the night in this village by the lake. It was a lot of fun staying there and it looked quite different from other Russian villages which often look dark, cold and dirty. In this village, people were sitting outside by their houses chatting while the kids were playing all over. The houses are not much to look at but its probably nicer inside. We met an old man who was a part of the Soviet Union back in the days but during that time he had once travelled with Gorbatjsov to Reykjavķk when he met Ronald Reagan. He is a big traveller and it was fun to talk to him because he talked English. The most memorable thing he said was Russia is like a virgin but he said that to explain that there is so much land here that hasnt been touched by humans. But after a good night we went back to Ulan-Ude the day after. It was raining and we had to take the same road back in order to go east because theres only one road available. So it was kind of weird to be back in Ulan-Ude because that was the first time we got to some place for the second time. But we then headed east towards Chita and the wether got better. On our way we met an 65 year old lady with a typical russian look riding her old bike. It turns out that she is riding from Moskow to Vladivostok but thats around 7500 km!! She is riding this distance so she can meet her relatives but she cant afford travelling any other way. I stopped and got some photos of her but she was a jolly woman. After that we found a campsite in the woods and slept there after a nice evening with no bears visiting. We didnt start riding until around 11 because we were always waiting for the rain to stop. But we rode about 310 km today and are no in Chita. This was probably the most dreadful ride we have experienced in this whole trip but it was windy the whole time and it rained constantly so the tents were soaking wet. When we got to Chita, which is a typical Russian city we found a small Chinese place we could stay at but there was a Russian man who helped us finding that place. This Russian man has a car repair shop and we were able to store our bikes there and hopefully thats safe! But were now at this small Chinese place and the time difference is now 10 hours. There are 1500 km of bad roads aheaf of us so weve decided to change the tires now. So the other tires now get a rest after 14.200 km and thats a pretty good durability. I dont know if I can blog a lot for the next couple of days because there isnt a lot interesting on the roads were taking and we wont have any phone connection. But Ill hopefully be interviewed on Rįs2 next Thursday morning. We are almost a week ahead of schedule because we havent stopped much here in Russia. Were probably just going to use that extra time in Japan but Ive heard that its great to travel there. We met a German the other day who told us about Japan and how great it is to travel there. Were also going to use some time in Alaska and Kanada since the time plan is very tight for that part of the trip. Im having some trouble sending pictures home but Ill give it another shot soon. Best regards from Russia Sverrir
Feršalög | Breytt 18.6.2007 kl. 11:43 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
8.6.2007 | 15:23
Ulan-Ude 8 jśnķ
Sķšasta daginn ķ Ulaan Baatar fórum viš meš Žór hjį Rauša Krossinum ķ skošun ķ fįtękrahverfin og eins og ešlilegt er var žetta döpur sjón og sló mig töluvert. T.d hitti ég eina fjölskyldu sem bżr ķ ömurlegu tjaldi og eiga ekki neitt og įttu žau mešal annarra barna eina litla 5 įra stelpu alveg eins og ég į eina heima og fannst mér žvķ erfitt aš sjį hana ķ žessum ašstęšum. Hśn var grśtskķtug en glöš og eini maturinn sem ég sį žarna var hveiti ķ poka. Ömurlegar ašstęšur og sżnir hvaš lķfiš getur veriš mismunandi og erfitt žótt mikil uppbygging eigi sér staš ķ žessu merkilega landi. Klukkan tvö fengum viš loksins passana okkar tilbaka ķ hendurnar og fórum žašan ķ öllum bśningnum į skrifstofu Rauša krossins til aš kvešja Žór og starfsfólkiš hans. Sķšan var stefnan tekin śtśr borginni meš smį viškomu ķ śthverfi žar sem vištališ fór fram viš rįs2. Žaš gekk įgętlega en slitnaši aš lokum. Mešan ég talaši heim renndi aš okkur 54 gamall Įstrali į mótorhjóli og annan eins ęvintżrakarl hef ég aldrei hitt. Hann hefur hjólaš um allan heiminn ķ mörg mörg įr, stuttar feršir į gömlu hjóli meš enga varahluti og engin kort og ekkert gps. Alvöru karl žar į ferš. Hann var svo glašur aš hitta einhverja sem tölušu ensku aš viš ętlušum ekki aš geta kvatt hann. Hann var į leišinni til Ķrlands aš hitta ęttingja og tók smį krók ķ gegnum Mongoliu ! :) Eftir aš hafa kvatt hann héldum viš įfram aš įtt aš landamęrinum ķ gegn um Darkan héraš sem er geysilega fallegt héraš. Fundum nįttstaš žar ķ litlu gili žar nįlęgt og įtti ég bara góša nótt. Primusinn virkaši loksins eins og hann įtti aš gera žannig aš viš gįtum fengiš okkur nśšlur og te. Vaknaši hress og kįtur ķ morgun og eftir heitt te ókum viš ķ įtt aš landamęrunum og vorum žar um 11. Tók žaš ekki nema 5 klukkustundir aš komast ķ gegn !! žannig aš allur dagurinn fór ķ žetta en engin vandręši nema landamęravöršurinn, kona ķ śtlendinaeftirlitinu hafši aldrei séš ķslenskt vegabréf og skošaši žaš eins og viš vęrum glęponar og ég sį aš hśn fór meš žaš gegnum vélina žar sem er athugaš hvort vegabréfin séu fölsuš allaveganna 15-20 sinnum og į endanum kom yfirmašurinn til aš skoša vegabréfiš ! En hśn mį eiga žaš aš hśn kom svo til śtskżra žetta aš hśn hafši aldrei séš ķslenskt vegabréf og svo brosti hśn bara sķnu blķšasta..žótt svo hśn vęri rśssi ! En aš lokum gekk žetta semsagt og var ég žį kominn til Rśsslands ķ annaš sinn į skömmum tķma. Svo ókum viš til Ulan-Ude, lķtillar borgar en tókum ranga beygju fljótlega eftir aš hafa fariš frį landamęrunum en tókum sjensinn og vildum sjį hvert žaš leiddi okkur og endušum svo ķ sveitum nįlęgt Ulan-Udi og žį sįum viš lķtil žorp og staši sem eru greinilega ekki ķ uppbyggingu. Hįlfhrunin hśs og drasl ofl. Eftir enn eitt lögreglustoppiš žar sem ekkert var aš og viš žurftum ekkert aš borga fundum viš dęmigert hótel žar sem viš ętlum aš gista ķ nótt. Žaš er svo mikil fluga aš viš įkvįšum aš vera inni ķ nótt. Teljarinn er kominn ķ 13.300 Tķmamunurinn er ķ 9 tķmum nśna svo ég segi bara góša nótt og heyrumst sķšar.
The last day here in Ulaan Baatar we went with Thor and the Redcross to visit the poor and needy ones. It was a little difficult for me and I was sad. for ex. we visited one family who lived in a awful tent and they owned nothing. One of their children was a five year old girl, just like mine home and it was difficult to see here in this circumstanses. She was so dirty but she was joyful. I couldnt see any food with this family except a wheat in a sack. Dreadful circumstanses and reminds me how horrible life can be for some people and different and difficlut from the life I know. But you can see that a build up is in a progress here and hopefully will be. 2 o'clock we got our visas and ready to go we went first to say goodbuy to Thor and his staff at the RedCross. There we rided from the city and but had to stop as I had to do the interview with channel 2 in Iceland. While I was talking to the radio a 54 year old Austrailian came to us and I have never met an adventureman like him !:) He has been riding around the world for many many years. And he is on old motocycle, no tools, no maps and no gps. A real adventureman. He was so happy to meet somebody who speaks english that it took time to say goodbye. He was on his way to Irleland to visit relatives and went through Mongolia on his way !:) But after we had said goodbye we aheaded towards the border of Mongolia and Russia and rode through Darkan county and it was very beautiful there. Found a place there for the night in a beautiful canyon. The primus was working finally and we had a hot tea and noodles for dinner. I slept well and next morning aorund 11 we came to the border and it took 5 hours to go through !! A woman, working in the foreign department hadnt seen before a icelandic passport and she took our passports and I could see here through the window as she scanned them into some machine 15-20 times to try to see if we were some crimials or the passport were faked. Finally her boss came and also looked at the passports. But the womand then eventually came to us with our passport and confessed and explained to us that she hadnt see before icelandic passports and she was polite and even gave us a smile !..and she is russian.:)! So finally this went well and here I am back in Russia again. We decided to ride on to Ulan-Ude from the border but took wrong turn and decided to see were that would take us. So we were today in a beautiful country near Ulan-Ude but obviuously no construction there going on. Houses in bad conditions and trash everywhere. The police stopped us once again but it went well and we didnt have to pay money. There were so many flies so we decided to sleep in Ulan-Ude. The counter is now 13.300 and the time difference is 9 hours so for now I say good night.
Feršalög | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:48 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (3)
7.6.2007 | 22:25
Vištališ ķ dag / The interview today
Hér er linkurinn į hiš vikulega vištal viš Sverri frį žvķ ķ morgun į Rįs2. Žaš er aftarlega į lķnunni, rétt į eftir fréttunum. Sambandiš ekki gott enda veriš aš notast viš gervihnattarsķmann og aš lokum slitnaši sambandiš.
Feršalög | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:27 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
Tha fer ad lida ad thvi ad vid leggum af stad fra Ulaan Baatar. Vid erum bunir ad hvila okkur vel og eftir a ad hyggja, var kominn timi a thad. Thad var uppsofnud threyta i okkur. Vid erum bunir ad thvo oll okkar fot og allt komid i gir fyrir naesta afanga, sem er Russland til Japans. Leidin liggur fyrst til Baikal vatns sem er a heimsminjaskra. Staersta og dypsta ósaltaš stöšuvatn i heimi. Thad er 640 km langt og 80 km breitt thar sem thad er breidast. I thad renna 336 ar og vatnid er med 20% af ollu ferskvatni i heiminum. Sidan er stefnan tekin i austur aftur og i att til Japans. I gaer forum vid i svokalladan thjodgard her rett fyrir utan borgina og var thad skemmtilegt og fallegt. Toluvert mikil uppbygging a ser stad thar og er gaman ad sja thad. Turistatimabilid er ekki byrjad her og thvi ekki mikid af folki tharna, reyndar nanast ekki neitt nema vid. Tharna forum vid a ulfalda bak og heldum a falka og hogudum okkur eins og venjulegir turistar. Her er verdlag ekki hatt a okkar maelikvarda og sem daemi, tha forum vid a godan veitingastad thar sem vid borgudum dyrasta verdid og gatum bordad af vild, drukkum eina raudvin einn bjor hvor og allt thetta kostadi fyrir okkur bada iskr. 2200,- Otrulegt ! Thor Danielsson yfirmadur althjoda rauda krossins her og ung kona sem er deildarstjori hja innanlandsdeildinni her, aetla ad leyfa okkur ad fara med i reglubundna heimsokn til skjolstaedinga sinna og verdur thad forvitnilegt. Thad er toluverd fataekt herna en einnig er mikil uppbygging
her. Fyrir 1000 us dollara er haegt ad utvega skriffaeri og baekur og annad sem tharf fyrir heilan bekk i heilan vetur asamt thvi ad utvega utanyfir flikur og kuldasko fyrir thau born sem thad thurfa. Thad er vist algengt ad bornin komast ekki i skolann thar sem thad getur verid svo kalt her a veturna og bornin eiga ekki kuldafot. Mongolia er heillandi og fallegt land og skemmtilegt og ahugavert ad heimsaekja. Eg fer hedan med goda og jakvaeda imynd af landinu. Ad sjalfsogdu er ymislegt ad, en hvar er thad ekki ? En verd ad haetta i bili, komin bidrod i tolvuna. Bless.
Well know it seems that we are ready to leave Ulaan Baatar tomorrow. We have rested well and we needed that. We have washed all our clothes and are ready to leave and ride to Russia and there from ahead to Japan. First we will go to Baikallake which is on worldmuesumrecords as it is the biggest lake on the earth which is unsalted. It is 640 km long and 80 km were it is widest. 336 rivers runs into it and the lake has 20% of all fresh water of the world. From there we will ride to the east and towards Japan. Yesterday we visited so called national park which is located here just out of the city Ulaan Baatar. It was a beautiful park and we had fun. You can see that a great build-up is going on here in Mongolia. I didnt see many tourist and the period hasnt started. We were almost the only guests. We got the chance to ride a camel and I hold an falcon and we looked around like typical tourists. To my measurement it is not expensive here in Mongolia. For ex. we went last night to a Mongolian barbique were we could eat as much as we could and we had one redwine and 2 bears and that was only 2.200 ikr. for both of us. Not so much ! Thor Danielsson and a young woman who is supervisior with the indland deparment by the RedCross are going to take us with them tomorrow in a regular visit to look at their clients. There is considerable poverty here but also like said before you can see here far and wide a build-up in the society. for 1000 usd$ you can sponsor one children class here with a writing materials, books and other things wich are needed for one year to this children. Also clothes as winter jackets and shoes for the children who are in the need. The winters here are pretty cold and many children here dont have suitable clothes for the cold. To my opinion Mongolia is a beautiful and charming country which I liked very much. I will leave Mongolia with a positvie image of the country. Of coures there are many things which could go better..but you can say that too to many other countries. But now I have to stop, other people are waiting to get to the computer. Regards-
Feršalög | Breytt 8.6.2007 kl. 19:00 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (3)
5.6.2007 | 00:44
Nyjar myndir ! New photos
Var ad setja inn nokkrar nyjar myndir i myndaalbumid.
Just put some new photos in the album "myndaalbum" in icelandic on the left side.
Feršalög | Breytt s.d. kl. 12:17 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
4.6.2007 | 14:23
Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia
I morgun forum vid i russneska sendiradid til ad saekja um vegabrefsaritun inn i Russland aftur. Eftir tha hemsokn fengum vid ad vita ad vid thyrftum ad fa thad sem their kalla " invitation". Vid hofdum svo sem buist vid thvi, thannig ad vid forum a skrifstofuna hans Thors hja althjodadeild rauda krossins og fengum ad fara i tolvu thar. Thad er nefnilega haegt ad kaupa svona invitation a netinu. En a meda eg var ad vinna i thvi, hringdi Thor i kunningja sinn i russneska sendiradinu og var honum tha sagt ad their her i sendiradinu samthykktu ekki svoleidis invitation og vid thyrftum af thetta hja serstokum adila her i borginni. Thor var svo vinsamlegur ad fara med okkur thangad. En thegar thangad kom var buid ad flytja thessa thjonustu. Hvorki hann ne vid skildum stulkuna thegar hun reyndi ad utskyra hvar thetta vaeri og sem betur fer var bilstjorinn hans Thors med og var hann sottur. Vid fundum retta stadinn og eftir sma utskyringar og spjall og borgad 125 dollara hvor, ja, borgad i dollurum, sagdi stulkan okkur ad koma eftir kl. 14 a fimmtudag og saekja aritunina. Thetta er thvi komid i hofn, vid leggjum af stad hedan a fimmtudag og tokum stefnuna til nordur til Russlands. Eftir thetta for Thor a skrifstofuna. Viš fórum svo aš skoša žekkta staši viša um borgina. Viš keyrdum um og hogudum okkur eins og alvoru turistar ! Thetta var bara gaman og for svo restin af deginum bara i dundur og hvild. Umferdin her er eins og a vitleysingjaheimili og stundum er ekid a moti umferd og yfir a raudu og fleira i theim dur. Madur
bindur sig bara i bilbeltid og vonar thad besta ! Flautan er mikid notud og eg er a theirri skodun ad margir halda ad flautan raunverulega flytji bila til, thvi their haetta ekkert ad flauta, bara liggja a henni thangad til eitthvad gerist og trua thvi ad their hafi gert thad !! Otrulegir her. Vid finnum ad i okkur er uppsofnud threyta og er gott ad taka smahvild her. Vid hofum hjolad a hverjum degi fra thvi ad vid forum af stad ad heiman 8. Mai. Utan einn dag i bord i Norraenu thegar vid vorum i Faereyjum og gatum ekki tekid hjolin ut. Thannig ad gott er ad liggja bara fyrir og melta og innbyrda allt sem vid hofum upplifad sidustu daga. Enn nog i bili.
This morning we went to the Russian Embassy to seek Visa application to be able to visit Russia again. After that visit we were infomed that we needed to get what they call invitation. We had expected that so we went to Thors office with the Red cross and got permittance to use a computer there. It is like that, you can buy this invitation on the internet. But while I was working in this Thor called a friend in the russian embassy and then he was told that they in the embassy wouldnt agree this kind of invitation and we needed to seek this with a special person here in the city. Thor was so kind to take us there. But when we came there this service had been mooved. Neither did him or we understand the girl who was trying to explain were it had been mooved and we had to get Thors driver to get this straight. We found the right place and after a little explanation to us and chat we had to pay 125 $ each, yes in dollars and we could pick up this Visa next thursday 2 oclock. Good ! So we will go from here to north into Russia. After this Thor went to his office and went to look at famoust places in the city and I took pictures. We were a typical turist for a part of they day and this was very nice and for the rest of the day we did rest. The traffic here is crazy and sometimes they drive against the traffic and dont respect the red light etc. You can only tie you carbelt and hope for the best! The whistle are used rather much and it is my opinion that many here thinks the whistle will move the cars..because they whistle until something happens and it looks like they think they did it ! Rather funny here. We have found today that we are a little bit tired so it is good to have a little break here. We have been riding every day since 8th of may except the one day when we were on the ship to Norway. So it is nice to be able to rest and think about the past days. Until next time.
Feršalög | Breytt 6.6.2007 kl. 23:17 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
3.6.2007 | 10:01
Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia
Hallo allir saman. Tha erum vid loksins komnir til Ulaan Baatar, hofudborgar Mongoliu. Sidustu 5 dagar hafa verid mestu aevintyradagar sem eg hef upplifad ! Mikil ogrun og tekid baedi a likamlega og andlega. Thegar vid komum inn i Mongoliu, eftir 3ja tima skrifraedi a landamaerunum, tok vid landslag og umhverfi sem kom okkur braedrum verulega a ovart. Vegirnir herna eru eins og a sprengisandi fyrir 20 arum, malarvegir og sumstadar ekki einu sinni vegir, heldur bara slodar, og thetta var thjodvegur nr. 1 hja theim ! En vid vorum gladir, thvi vid erum vanir svona vegum og slodum og fundum okkur vel. Svisslendingurinn sem vid hittum um daginn og rakumst a nokkrum sinnum, hafdi farid inn i Mongoliu tveimur dogum fyrr en vid. Thegar vid vorum a landamaerunum, hittum vid hann aftur og var hann tha a leidinni heim, buinn ad gefast upp. Hann var vanur hjolamadur og buinn ad hjola i 40 ar, en thetta var honum ofvida ! Draumaferdin hans var a enda. Svona getur upplifunin verid misjofn. Vid gladir, en hann full. En vid hjoludum i agaetu vedri fram eftir degi, og komum ad einu af 5 thorpum sem vid attum eftir ad fara i gegnum a leid okkar til hofudborgarinnar. Thar voktum vid mikla athygli eins og vidast hvar, og var skritid ad hjola tharna i gegn. Flest hus eru lagreist og gerd ur einhversskonar leir sem oft sidan maladur hvitur, og i kringum husin gjarnan
reistur hladinn veggur ur grjoti. Tharna stoppadi okkur madur uti a midri gotu og sagdist vera med gistingu handa okkur og bilskur fyrir hjolin, vaeri med hotel. Eg akvad ad skoda thad og eltum vid hann a Lodunni hans, og fruin og barnid i aftursaetinu. Hotelid reyndist vera husid hans, eitt af thessum lagreistu littlu husum, og thegar vid komum thangad, hopadist ad okkur oll aettin hans !! Fullt af folki. Eg bad hann ad syna mer herbergid og bilskurinn og kom tha i ljos ad hann aetladi ad geyma motorhjolin inni i eldhusi og vid attum ad sofa i stofunni hja allri fjolskyldunni. Hann var rosalega stoltur af thessu og atti eg erfitt med ad vera alvarlegur. En thetta var mikil alvara hja honum. Eftir sma umhugsun, tha haettum vid vid thetta og akvadum ad halda afram og vera bara i tjaldinu. Og thad yrdi tha i fyrsta skiptid i ferdinni. Eftir ad hafa tekid bensin, heldum vid afram og a endanum fundum vid gamlan yfirgefin leirkofa uppi i hlid og akvadum ad gista i honum. Thetta hefur verid heimili hirdingjanna og nybuid af yfirgefa thad. Tharna vorum vid i 2300 metra haed og var mjog kalt um nottina, abyggilega um frostmark. Okkur var frekar kalt, thvi thad verdur ad segjast eins og er, vid erum ekki bunir undir svona kulda. En nottin leid og vid heldum af stad naesta dag. Nu hjoludum vid i gegnum fjollin, upp og nidur og serstaklega skemmtilegt, en smam saman breyttist landslagid og vid forum ut a hasletturnar, thar sem vegirnir eru eins og adur, bara slodar, og eru i um 1500 til 2000 metra haed. Tharna gat verid baedi kalt og mjog heitt til skiptis. Svona heldum vid afram naestu daga og erum vid bunir ad vera i tjaldinu sidustu 3 naetur. I fyrrinott voknudum vid upp um midja nott, med oll vit full af sandi, og tjaldbotninn inni hja okkur, var eins og sandkassi ! Nu geysadi einhver sandstormur, og thegar honum lauk brast a urhellisrigning ! Tjaldi hristist og skalf og nu for ad fara verulega um okkur tharna !! Einir, einhversstadar ut i midri eydimork, skitkalt og leist ekki of vel a thetta. Myndi thetta standa i klukkutima eda kanski heila viku !! En ad lokum stytti upp og vedrid smalagadist. En thetta var mikil og spennuthrungin upplifun ! Svo var haldid af stad og enn einn skemmtilegur dagur framundan. Primusinn sem vid Einar tokum med okkur, virkadi ekki, thad er, vid tokum vitlausan brusa fyrir eldsneyti, og thvi enginn primus. En Einar snillingur, fann tvaer blikkdosir, og eftir sma pud med Leatherman tha stod hann hrodugur upp, og syndi mer thennan frabaera brennara fyrir bensin, sem hefur nu verid notadur 3 sinnum. I gaer um 5 leytid, eftir enn einn frabaeran avintyradag, og enga sturtu i 6 daga, tha forum vid ad svipast um eftir nattstad. En tha skall a nordan hvass vindur, og hitastigid for nidur i 3 gradur. Enga gistingu var ad fa, og ekki var haegt ad tjalda i svona vedri, thannig ad okkur var bara einn kostur naudugur, klaeda okkur i oll thau fot sem vid erum med okkur of hjola af stad til hofudborgarinnar. Thad var ad skella a myrkur og hafdi eg sett sem prinsip, ad hjola ekki i myrkri. Thad kom lika a daginn ad that er storhaettulegt, thvi ad tvisvar sinnum hljop hundur ut a veginn og einu sinni litid
barn, sem eg veit ekki hvadan kom. En vid gatum ekkert annad. Tharna vorum vid um 300 km fra Ulaan Baatar og vegirnir ordnir betri, malbik a storum kafla. En um 10 leytid breyttist vegurinn skyndilega i sloda aftur og vid saum ekki neitt, ordnir hundthreyttir, skiturgir, svangir og einbeitingin ad hverfa. Sem sagt storhaettuleg. En um sama leyti laegdi vindinn og akvadum ad stoppa og sofa i tjaldinu thott kalt vaeri. Vid fundum gamlan kindastiu og thar hafdi verid einhvern tima Mongolskt tjald, thessi storu kringlottu, og thvi slett og gott fyrir okkur ad tjalda. Tharna var ordid blanka logn, en hitastigid um 3 gradur, og kveiktum vid thvi vardeld ur greinum sem vid tyndum saman, og hitudum vatn a primusnum goda og fengum okkur nudlur og braud. Dyrindismatur og kraesingar, thegar madur er svangur. I morgun hjoludum vid svo til Ulaan Baatar og komum thangad um hadegi. Thar tok a moti okkur, Thor Danielsson, sem yfir madur Rauda krossins her, og adstodadi hann okkur vid ad finna hotel og aetlar ad adstoda okkur a morgun thegar vid forum i russneska sendiradid til ad saekja um Visa aritun aftur inn i Russland. Thad gaeti tekid allt ad 4 dogum. En thad kemur i ljos. Thad er mjog oraunveruleg tilfinning ad vera her, og ser i lagi a motorhjoli sem eg lagdi af stad ad heiman fra mer !!! Eg held eg se ekki alveg buinn ad fatta thetta enntha. Her er gott vedur og folkid er gott og einn og einn talar ensku her. Vid erum a finu hoteli herna nuna, Hotel Ulaan Baatar, en veit ekki hvort vid verdum her lengi vegna thess ad her ekki god geymsla fyrir hjolin. En i lokin vil eg minna a, ad tho ad eg geti ekki bloggad alltaf, eru alltaf orstuttar frettir og stadsetning a . Hjolin standa sig vel, ekkert bilad, adeins losnad ein suda a varadekksgrindinni hja Einari. En vid fundum gamlan sudumann i littlu fjallathorpi sem leysti thetta fyrir okkur a metttima. Dekkin endast og endast og erum vid ekki enn bunir ad setja kubbadekkin undir. Otrulegt en satt. Kilometrateljarinn er nalaegt 12500 km. En bless i bili.
Hello everybody. Then we have finally arrived in Ulaan Baator, the capital of Mongolia. The past 5 days have been the most adventuredays I have ever lived ! A huge challenge and difficult both physically and mentally. After 3 hours on the Mongolian border we arrived in a different landscape. The roads here are like on Sprengisandur some 20 years ago. And somewere you cant talk about roads, because partly the roads is imore like paths and this is main road nr. 1 ! But we were glad because roads like these are well known to us. On the border we met the Swiss who we had met two times before. He had give up on Mongolia, the second time. He is an experienced motorcyclemen, have been riding for 40 years but now his dream are finished. We full of happyness but he was sad. Things can go this way. But in that day we rode in a nice weather through one of the five village we would visit on our way to the capital. Our precense made attention in those villages and people were curious about us and it was a little strange to ride through those villages. Most of the houses are small and low and made from somekind of clay which is often been painted white and around those houses are walls from stones which has been loaded. There one man stopped us on the middle of the road. He said he had place to stay for the night, a hotel and space for the bikes. We decided to follow him and his wife and child in his Lada to his house. When we came to the "hotel" it was his house, one of the small white houses, which were full of his relatives who came out to us and when I asked him were we should sleep he told me that he would put the bikes in the kitchen and we could sleep in the livingroom with his relatives. He was very proud of this and it was a little bit difficult for me not to smile. After a little time thinking we decided to sleep this night in the tent because that would have been for the first time in the trip. We got some petrol and kept on going and in the end of the day we found an old deserted clayhut in a hillside and decided to sleep there. This has been a home to the nomads and obviously recently been left. There we were in a 2300 m.high and it was very cold that night, probably around freezing point. We felt rather cold and I have to admit that I wasnt prepared for this cold. But after the night we woke up and kept on going. Now we rode into the mountains, up and down and that was very amusing. But then the landscape changed and we rode to the lowlands were the roads are like said before only paths and in 1500-2000 m.high. There can be hot and cold by turns. Like this we kept on going the next days and have been staying in the tent the last 3 nights. The night before last night we wake up in the middle of the night, all our faces full of sand and the bottom of our tent was getting pretty full with sand ! It was a great sandstorm and it wasnt looking good and when the storm slowed down a heavy rain started ! The tent was shaking and shivering and we started to be a little nervous, alone in the middle of the desert and beeing cold. Would this last for one hour of maybe whole week !! But thankfully the weather started to change and got better. But this was a great exciting experience ! But then we rode on and one amusing and exciting day ahead. The primus wich me and Einar took with us didnt work, we had take for mistake a wrong fuel for the primus ! But Einar, the genius found two tin and after a little time work with the Leatherman he showed me proud this great burner for petrol which have now been used three times Yesterday around five oclock after a great day and no shower for 6 days we started to look for a place for the night But then we got a strong wind from the north and the tempature went down to 3 gr.c. We couldnt find a place to stay and couldnt put up the tent in this weather. -So we only had one choise, to put on all the clothes we hade and ride on to the capital. It was getting dark and it was a princip matter with me not to ride in the dark. It was surely true because twice a dog ran into us on the road and once a little child who I dont know were it came from. But we couldn do anything else. There we were 300 km from Ulaan Baatar and the roads were starting to be better, asphalt mainly. But around ten oclock the road changed suddenly again into paths and we couldn see anything. Exhausted, dirty, hungry and loosing our concentration. So to say..extremely dangerous. But at that moment the wind slowed down and we decided to stop and try to sleep in the tent even though it was very cold. We found an old sheep"place" were once had been a Mongolian tent, those big one and rounded so it was easy to put our tent on the spot. Now it was a quiet wind and 3gr c. so I started a campfire and heated a water on our good primus and there we ate noodles and bread. Very good food when you are hungry. This morning we rode to Ulaan Baatar and arrived here at lunchtime. There we met Thor Danielsson which is the main superior over the Redcross in Mongolia. He helped us finding a hotel and has offer his help tomorrow when we have to seek a visa so we can go again into Russia. It could take up to 4 days. But finally it is indescribable to be here on a motorcycle which I have been riding from my home in Iceland ! Here is a nice weather right now, the people are frindely and one and one speak english. We are staying in a Hotel, Ulaan Baator which is very nice and problably we will stay here until we go again. The motorbikes are doing fine and nothing serious has happened, only a little thing wich we have been able to fix or get some help like an old boiling man helped Einar to fix his secondtireframe. The tires are still on and we havent changed into the new ruffer one..unbelievable but true. The km counter are now in 12500 km. But until next time.
LFeršalög | Breytt 4.6.2007 kl. 19:47 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (4)