Eureka, California, USA !

sverrirCalifornia !!  Ja i fyrsta sinn i Californiu thannig ad nu er bara sol, sjor, sandur og surf !!! Ja og ad sjalfsogdu The Beach boys spiladir undir !!   Nei, thvi midur er thetta nu ekki alveg svona.  Nu er eg staddur i Eureka i Californiu, en i dag sa eg ekki solina ne surfid og sa sandinn i fjarska og heyrdi ekkert med Beach boys !  Svekkelsi.  Og ekki einu sinni Arnold ad taka a moti mer vid fylkismorkin !   En ad ollu gamni slepptu, tha var nu frekar gratt yfir i dag og nokkrir rigningadropar fellu a okkur a leidinni.  Leidin er afram gridarlega falleg og forum vid medal annars i gegnum fallegan Redwood skog, en Redwood tre eru ein staerstu tre i heimi.  Umferdin var ovenjulitil skilst okkur og vorum vid anaegdir med thad.  Vid hjoludum ca 430 km i dag og gerum thad a longum tima thannig ad vid erum ad stoppa svolitid og dunda okkur thvi okkur liggur ekkert a nuna.  Thurfum bara ad vera i Los Angeles naesta laugardag.  Einar heimtadi ad eg stoppadi i The Home Depot (Byko) og ad sjalfsogdu vard eg vid theirri bon.  Vid forum inn og leitudum lengi ad efni til ad haekka framruduna hja okkur til ad minnka vindinn i andlitid a okkur.  Vid fundum glaert plastefni sem Einar er ad snida til og er hann ad gera tilraunir med thetta.  Thetta er ad sjalfsogdu adalega fyndid og skemmtilegt.  Eg hitti mann i dag sem eg var ad spjalla vid og fannst honum mikid til koma vardandi thetta ferdalag okkar.  Ad salfsogdu finnst thad flestum, en astaedan fyrir thvi ad eg nefni thetta, er ad thegar eg er ad spjalla vid Amerikanana, tha kemur i ljos ad svo oskaplega margir hafa aldrei ferdast neitt.  Sumir hafa ekki einu sinni farid ut fyrir fylkismorkin og eiga ekki vegabref.  Einn og einn hefur farid til " utlanda " og nefnir tha Kanada og/eda Mexiko i thvi samhengi.  Og thad er annad sem eg tek eftir, og thad er hvad margir eru hraeddir vid ad ferdast.  Tharna held eg ad Bush arodurinn se alveg augljos, thvi forsetinn og hans folk segja ollum ad allur heimurinn se eurekastorhaettulegur og ad thad se heattulegt ad fara til annara landa.  Thessu trua margir og skilja thvi ekkert i okkur ad vera ad thvaelast svona um vidan voll.  Nu er komin grenjandi rigning og eg sem helt ad alltaf vaeri sol i Califoniu !!!  En samkvaemt vedurspa, tha a ad stytta upp og hitna a morgun.  Dr. Gudmundur Bjornsson, laeknir ferdarinnar, hringdi i mig i morgun til ad heyra hvernig vid hefdum thad.  Alveg sama hvad eg reyndi, tha gat eg ekki fundid neitt ad mer ne Einari og er thad gott.  Thannig ad eg fann ekkert verkefni fyrir Gudmund, og eg held ad hann hafi vonad ad eitthvad vaeri ad, svo ad hann thyrfti ad fljuga til okkar og fylgja okkur restina !!!! Thetta er ad sjalfsogdu bara grin i mer, en thad ma samt geta thess ad Gudmundur og felagar hans, hjoludu thvert yfir Bandarikin fyrir nokkrum arum og byrjudu einmitt ferdina her a Highway 101 i Oregon.  Var einnig ad setja nokkrar nyjar myndir i myndaalbumid. En nog i bili, - heyrumst sidar. 

California! We are now in California and all we can see is the sun, the sea, beaches and surf! And, of course, the Beach boys are playing everywhere we go. No, unfortunately that’s not completely how things are here. I’m now in Eureka, California, but I didn’t see the sun nor all the surf but I just saw the beaches from far away and I didn’t hear a single song from the Beach boys. A big disappointment. Arnold didn’t even show up to welcome me by the state borders! But all jokes aside, the weather has been rather gray and dull today and we even had some rain. The route we’re going is still exceptionally beautiful and we e.g. passed through a beautiful Redwood forrest, but the Redwood trees are one of the biggest kinds of trees in the world. The traffic was surprisingly little so we were really happy about that. We rode ca 430 km today but we took our time, made some stops and relaxed where we wanted, because for this part of the trip we’re not in such a hurry. We just have to be in Los Angeles before the upcoming Saturday. Einar demanded that we would stop by the Home Depot and of course I didn’t argue with him about that. We entered the store and started looking for something to raise the front glass on the bikes to minimize the wind in our faces. We found a transparent substance which Einar is now experimenting with. I just find the whole thing a little bit funny, but it’s fun. I met this man who was impressed with what we were doing. He’s not the first one to tell us that but the reason I’m mentioning this is because I’m realizing how many Americans have not traveled at all in their whole life. Some people haven’t left their state and don’t even have a passport. Some people tell me that they have been “abroad” and mention countries like Canada and Mexico. I’m also noticing that some people here are really afraid of traveling. I think Bush’s propaganda has something to do with that because his administration canstantly reminds people of all the danger in the world and how it’s much more safe in the United States that in foreign countries. Many people actually believe that and therefore can’t understand why we are doing this. But it’s raining now, and thoght it would be nothing but sunshine here in California! But according to the weather forecast it’s supposed to be dry and warmer tomorrow. Dr. Guđmundur Björnsson, our medic, called me this morning to see how we were doing. Even though I tried really hard, I couldn’t find anything wrong with me and Einar so that’s good. I got the feeling that Guđmundur was hoping something would be wrong so he would have to fly to here and follow us home!! Of course I’m just joking, but I should mention that Guđmundur and his friends, rode straight across American a few years ago and they started their trip exactly here, on Highway 101, Oregon. I put some new pictures in the Album. Ttyl – Sverrir

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1 Smámynd: Linda

Til hamingju međ ţessa ferđ.  Ég átti sjálf heima í S. Californiu í mörg ár.  Óska ykkur áframhaldandi velgegni.

Linda, 18.7.2007 kl. 23:29

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