Florence, Oregon, USA.

coast8Loksins, loksins, buinn ad finna tolvu sem eg get notad.  Reyndar er eg a littlu moteli her i Florence og engin tolva, en vid hittum her nokkra vinnumenn her a hotelinu og einn theirra var med fartolvu og lanadi mer hana.  Einar er her vid hlidina a mer og heldur theim ollum a tjatti medan eg nota tolvuna og reyni ad blogga eitthvad med hradi !!  Vid forum semsagt a Islendingadaginn hja Islendingafelaginu i Blaine, WA, og var thad frabaert.  Mer leid eins og storstjornu tharna međ alla athyglina og einstaklega skemmtilegt.  Tharna voru um 80 manns a ollum aldri og sumir ordnir vel fullordnir.  Sa sem var elstur tharna var rumlega nitiu ara.  Svolitid serstakt ad tala vid Islending, thar sem badir foreldrar eru islenskir, en hefur aldrei komid til Islands ! En, semsagt vid vorum tharna i 5 klukkustundir og hofdum ekki einu sinni tima til ad borda thvi vid vorum svo uppteknir vid ad tala vid folkid.  Stadurinn sem folkid hittist a heitir Peace Arch Park, og er akkurat a landamaerum Kanada og USA.  Og thegar eg segi akkurat, tha er thad thannig ad hinum megin vid litid limgerdi sem var ad nordanverdu i gardinum, ca 20 metrum fra thar sem vid satum, var Kanada !  Vid vorum mikid myndadir og klappad og fadmadir og folkid einstaklega vingjarnlegt og elskulegt.  Eftir thetta budu Hafdis og Jim okkur heim i storkostlega grillmaltid.  Ostrur, grilladur lax, is og bjor og vin !  Verdur ekki betra, otrulega notalegt kvold og skemmtilegt.  Thessi dagur og thetta kvold verda klarlega eitt af "highlights" ferdarinnar.  Okkur leid svo vel tharna, og svo toppadi Jim thetta daginn eftir, med thvi ad setja upp myndavelagraeurnar sinar uti, og tok portret myndir af okkur.  Hann er atvinnuljosmyndari og ferdast um allan heiminn til ad taka myndir. (hann aetti tho ad fa ser nyrri myndavel, hans er argerd 1964 !!)  En ad sjalfsogdu er eg ad grinast thvi thessir atvinnuljosmyndarar nota einungis thad besta.  En eftir ad hafa kvatt thau tokum vid stefnuna til Seattle og forum adeins lengra og komum vid i storri motorhjolabud i Tacoma og eg keypti mer serstaka gallabuxur sem erum med Kevlar hlifum innan a thannig ad nu er betra ad hjola i hitanum.  Einar fekk ser lika buxur og jakka en ur odru efni og er eins og nyr madur.  Hann glansar og skin og erfitt ad hjola nalaegt honum !!! En svo var haldid afram sudur og endudum i pinulitlum bae sem heitir Raymond, og coast_hwygistum thar a ekta mjog gomlu moteli.  I dag hjoludum vid svo inn a hinn thekkta highway 101 sem liggur med strondinni.  Otrulega falleg leid og erum vid nuna semsagt i Florence erum bunir ad hjola i dag ca 400 km eda ca 800 km fra landamaerum Kanada.  Allt hefur gengid vel og erum vid badir braedurnir farnir ad hlakka til ad hitta pabba og Skula naestu helgi.  Their eru vist ordnir spenntir lika og er thad skiljanlegt, stor og mikil ferd framundan.  En naestu daga holdum vid afram til sudurs i att til Los Angeles og trulega forum vid highway 101 og i gegnum San Fransisko og yfir Golden Gate brunna og verdur thad skemmtilegt.  En nog i bili.  Kilometrateljarinn er ca 24060 km 

Finally I found a computer that I can use. I’m at a small motel here in Florence and there are no computers here. We just met some construction workers here on the hotel that let me use their laptop. Einar is beside me talking to them so I can blog a little! We participated in the Icelandic day in Blaine, WA, and that was really great. I felt like a superstar because I got such attention but that was really fun. There were about 80 people there at all ages but some were older than others. The oldest person there was in his 90’s. It was quite special talking to Icelandic people, whose parents were both Icelandic, but had never actually been to Iceland! But we spent 5 hours there and we didn’t even get the time to eat we were so busy talking to the people. We were all gathered at a place called Peace Arch Park, but that’s exactly on the borders of Canada and USA. And when I say exactly, I’m talking about that Canada was about 20 metres from where we were! We were photographed a lot and people hugged us and was very friendly, it was really great. After that, Hafdís and Jim invited us to their home to a fantastic barbeque. Oisters, grilled salmon, ice cream, beer and wine! I doesn’t get any better than that and I can truly say that this was one of the highlights of the trip. We had a great evening. And then, because Jim is a professional photographer, he set up his equipment and took several portrait pictures of us. He has traveled all around the world to take pictures but it was fun to see how old fashioned his camera was! But of course the professional photographers only use the best equipment. But after saying our goodbyes we started riding towards Seattle but ended a little further than that and stopped at a motorcycle store where I bought jeans with kevlar pads so it will be more comfortable to ride in that. Einar also bought jeans and a jacket and he’s a totally different man, he’s shiny and it’s hard to ride close to him. But we then kept on going south and ended up in a town called Raymond where we stayed at a really old motel. Today we rode the famous highway 101 that lies along the coast. It’s an unbelievably beautfiful way to go but we’re now in Florence and have ridden around 400 km today (800 km from the borders). Everything has went well and Einar and I are both looking forward to meet our father and Skúli next weekend. Thei’re getting excited too understandably, it’s a big trip. For the next day we will then keep going south towards Los Angeles and we’ll probably go highway 101 through San Fransisco and over the Golden Gate bridge and that’ll be fun. But enough for today. The km counter is at ca. 24060 km. Ttyl - Sverrir

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Skemmtilegt ađ sjá myndina af sandöldunum ţví viđ vorum akkúrat stödd međ fjölskylduna á ţessum stađ í gćr - viđ búum s.s. tímabundiđ í Eugene, OR. Góđa ferđ áfram round the world!!

María og Ţorsteinn (IP-tala skráđ) 17.7.2007 kl. 04:23

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